Saturday, October 30, 2010

The no-nuke alien agenda

Is Obama in contact with spiritual beings from other planets/galaxies? His political priorities are for the most part strikingly similar with the expressed views of "intergalactic peaceniks."

From taking care of all Americans with universal health care to his no-nuke agenda, President Obama has many of his political initiatives on par with his alien counterparts.

In the Gizmodo article entitled "UFOs Neutered Nukes, Officers Claim" by Spencer Ackerman (Sept. 28, 2010), Ackerman writes about the CNN covered news conference called by seven retired Air Force officers at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. to discuss the intervention of extraterrestrials during the Cold War who temporarily rendered America's nuclear weapons inactive.

"Whoever are aboard these craft are sending a signal to both Washington and Moscow, among others, that we are playing with fire," reported ufologist Robert Hastings who convened the conference. "The possession and threatened use of nuclear weapons potentially threatens the human race and the integrity of the planetary bargain."

Retired airman reported similar stories about spaceships (conical, spherical and saucer-shaped) landing at various military nuclear weapons sites between the years of 1963 and 1980, temporarily disabling nuclear weapons, apparently delivering the message: earth and the human race are in grave danger due to the possession of nuclear weapons.

"I think they're monitoring us so that we don't mess things up," said Bruce Fenstermacher, a retired Air Force captain. Fenstermacher believes the beings are akin the spiritually advanced protectors of the human race. This conference brings to mind the works of Zecharia Sitchin, the Azeri-born American author whose books make the argument that the human race was introduced to earth by spiritually and technologically advanced beings from another planet based on his translations and interpretations of various Sumerian historical records.

According the Mr. Sitchin, nuclear weapons destroyed an early technologically advanced human civilization and the ancient astronauts who cultivated this early doomed civilization have since cultivated us and are guiding us toward avoiding a similar catastrophic fate. Mr. Sitchin points to the Bible and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, as well as ancient Sumerian records as evidence. Mr. Sitchin's books on the subject have sold millions of copies and been published in 25 languages. Sadly, Mr. Sitchin passed away on the 9th of this month.

Hasting said, "I don't think humankind is in jeopardy from whoever they are or whatever they are, except that we will have our minds expanded. There will be a paradigm shift. Traditional institutions such as religions, governments, other social institutions may be threatened by what is coming. That is just the logical consequence of what is about to occur."

Are we to expect a paradigm shift in human consciousness soon then? If the change is to come, what will it mean for a humanity mostly concerned with paying bills, joblessness, and the economic downturn? With the majority of the world population already believing in the possibility of the supernatural, a supreme being, or extra-terrestrials will the change in the "universal mind"  of the human race be very significant at all?

We'll see.

Above photo: A shot of the Apollo 16 module, commonly mistaken for a UFO, courtesy of NASA