Thursday, February 24, 2011

Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, space aliens & Obama

An interesting video series. A bit of a religious bent, but I am not religious at all and thought it contained many interesting arguments for the non-religious crowd. Raises some interesting questions about the establishment.

The infamous Bohemian Club, Skull & Bones....

Apparent Illuminati mind control.

CIA, Satanism, and the purpose of rituals.

The Illuminati Initiative.

On the purpose of UFOs.

Details of the possible UFO purpose.

UFO/ET phenomena as demonic manifestations.

"The Reptilians"

The Nefilim - quite interesting even if you think all this is rubbish nonsense.

UFO-Illuminati theories. Some quite hilarious. Others more ominous.

Freemasonry & devilry.

And finally, politics & Illuminati goals. Interesting stuff if you made it this far.

Please remember to check under your bed tonight for Illuminati signs & even "the Reptilians."

Who is George Bush (41) really?

Unanswered Questions as Obama Anoints HW Bush

Pres. Obama gives Medal of Freedom to George H. W. Bush
On February 15, President Obama bestowed the Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest award, to a group of people which includes former president George H.W. Bush. Having spent five years researching the elder Bush and discovering a staggering array of secrets to the man’s life—none of them favorable, I was curious why Obama gave Bush the medal.
Officially, it goes to individuals “who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.” In fact, it goes to all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons. In the case of Bush, it was an obligatory Washington ritual for a former President who is in the last chapter of his life.
Notwithstanding the inevitability of the process, President Obama needed to trot out some explanation or other as to why each recipient was deserving.  In remarks at the ceremony,  he said that H.W.’s “His life is a testament that public service is a noble calling….his humility and his decency reflects the very best of the American spirit.” And he referred to Mr. Bush’s “extraordinary life of service and of sacrifice.”
His life has certainly been extraordinary. Though whether “decency” is the right term, or whether his activities “reflect the very best of the American spirit,” or whether his has been a “life…of sacrifice” seem to be debatable.
There’s another side to the elder Bush. It goes to the heart of his purported “humility,” and whether it is truly humility—or his need to hide so many secrets. Especially as it relates, remarkably, to the assassination of another president, John F. Kennedy.
Here are some questions that must be asked of George H.W. Bush, while he is still around to be asked.  These questions are based on revelations from my book, Family of Secrets: the Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years, copies of which can be found in major American bookstores and libraries, including the Library of CongressThe underlying points are all documented and footnoted—and some of these questions have appeared before in an earlier post on this site and others.
-Former president Bush, we all know that you served for a single year as director of the Central Intelligence Agency. What about the fact trail suggesting that, just like the Russian leader Vladimir Putin, you actually spent your entire adult life prior to becoming vice president working in covert operations—but unlike Putin, have not admitted that? What about documentation showing that, as far back as the early 1950s, your small but hyperactive company, Zapata Offshore, was commercial cover for super-secret ops?
-Some years ago you claimed not to remember where you were on the morning of Nov. 22, 1963? Have you since been able to recall?
-Can you tell us about your decades-long friendship with George de Mohrenschildt, the man who was in and out of Lee Harvey Oswald’s house on almost a daily basis in the year before the Kennedy assassination?
-Did you, as characterized in an FBI memo, work as a CIA officer in tandem with Cuban exiles at the time of the Kennedy assassination?
-Why have you never spoken publicly about the documented call you made to the FBI on Nov 22, 1963, in which you identified yourself fully and claimed to have information on a possible suspect in Kennedy’s death? What was the purpose of that call, in which you mentioned your whereabouts at the time of the call, 1:45pm, as Tyler, Texas, i.e. about 99 miles away but just a short flight on the private plane on which you were traveling? Why did you tell the FBI that you were en route next to Dallas and would stay at the Sheraton there when you had already been at the Sheraton the night before — and right after that call flew to Dallas but only to switch planes and fly back immediately to Houston? Why were you giving the FBI the impression you would be staying in Dallas the night after the assassination instead of letting them know you had stayed there the night before the assassination?
-Why was your own assistant at the home of the man you would finger as a suspect in the shooting, and why did he end up providing the man with an alibi? Was the ultimate purpose of that call not to cause the alleged suspect any permanent harm, but merely to use the call as an excuse to state in government files that you were in a place other than Dallas?
-Since you claimed not to remember where you were when Kennedy was killed, how is it that after these FBI memos surfaced, your wife Barbara suddenly found and published an old letter placing you and her in Tyler, Texas shortly after the shooting?
-On the day of the assassination, were you in touch with your friend and Republican running mate Jack Crichton, a military intelligence figure who was connected to figures forcing their way into the pilot car of Kennedy’s motorcade? The same Crichton who controlled the man who served as the interpreter between Oswald’s wife and police and reframed her words so as to implicate Oswald in Kennedy’s shooting? The same Crichton who was working out of a secret underground communications bunker below the streets of Dallas? The same Crichton whose secret military intelligence unit counted dozens of men who simultaneously held jobs as Dallas police officers? The same Crichton who did secret oil industry intelligence work in the Middle East while you did intelligence related oil industry work via your company, Zapata Offshore?
-Finally, do you know people who consider the events of November 22, 1963 to, in their minds,   “reflect the very best of the American spirit?” You say almost nothing, ever, about the Kennedy assassination, even skipping over it in your own memoir, which details much more trivial events of the same year. Why is that? And why then, in your eulogy for former President Ford, a member of the increasingly-discredited Warren Commission, did you go out of your way to oddly praise him for promoting the increasingly-discredited “single bullet theory?”  You said:
After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford’s word was always good.”
Why did you, so bizarrely, smile when you uttered those words?
Now, with your Medal of Freedom, given you by a Democratic president who ran as an agent of change, you truly seem to be enjoying the last laugh.

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Alternative 3

The docudrama television show produced by Anglia TV, written by David Ambrose and Christopher Miles, was a mixture of interviews and news coverage of the worsening atmospheric conditions on earth. The production chronicled a design to charter a small group of people, selected for their potential to contribute to a new society, to the planet Mars via a base on the moon. Also a small group of “batch consignments” selected to be brainwashed and perform slave labor for the group of wealthy and political elites orchestrating the move to Mars.

The release of the show on June 20, 1970 in Britain was met by a backlash of enraged viewers. In response to this, the program was explained away as purely fiction, as in fact many of the interviews were of fictitious persons portrayed by actors including an American astronaut Bob Grodin who clearly was not an American as he used British expressions and had a British accent.
In 1978, British author Leslie Watkins went further than the t.v. show and published a book Alternative 3. Watkins wrote a letter in response to the public outrage over the idea in which he stated, “The original TV version, which I expanded immensely for the book, was actually a hoax which had been scheduled for transmission on April Fool’s Day. Because of certain problems in finding the right network slot, the transmission was delayed…I initially took the view that the basic premise was so way-out…that no one would regard it as nonfiction. Immediately after publication I realized I was totally wrong. In fact, the amazing mountains of letters from virtually all parts of the world—including a vast number from highly intelligent people in positions of authority—convinced me that I had accidentally trespassed into a range of top-secret truths…So, summing up, the book is fiction based on fact. But I now feel that I inadvertently got very close to a secret truth.”

Linda Moulton Howe became familiar with Alternative 3 as a science and medicine documentary producer for WCVB television in Boston. She spoke of a controversy among the staff as to why the Corporation for Public Broadcasting did not want the docudrama aired in the States. Howe said, “I was curious and I had a discussion with a BBC producer about it. I was told the program began as a program began as a documentary on the so-called British ‘brain-drain’ of the 1970s. You might remember that a large number of British scientists were leaving, reportedly for better paying jobs in America. I was told that the program never came off because the BBC could not locate any of the scientists once they left Britain. It was all very odd. It was like they disappeared.”
Howe related the fact that Ambrose and Miles had written a script for the BBC based on interviews of the scientists who had left for America. The docudrama and the subsequent book expanded much on the fact that the scientists had disappeared. Author Jim Keith reported the over thirty scientists from across the globe that were connected with the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)—the Star Wars program—had either disappeared, committed suicide or died under mysterious circumstances.

Let’s for a moment consider the purpose of a project such as the so-called “Alternative 3” by first taking a look at what constituted alternatives 1 and 2. Keith wrote, “Alternative 1 consisted of detonating nuclear bombs in the atmosphere to allow pollution and heat to dissipate into space, whereas Alternative 2 was a plan to construct vast subterranean habitats for the elite to escape into when the going gets tough.” The primary motivation for such thinking would be the wide spread belief in an increasingly problematic environment on earth’s surface coupled with the perceived problem of overpopulation.

Stanford university professor and author Paul Ehrlich wrote extensively on overpopulation in his 1968 book The Population Bomb. He wrote about his concern over the AIDS epidemic, global warming, holes in our ozone layer, and acid rains. Scientist Jacques Cousteau said in a 1992 lecture that with the current trends in the earth’s population that by 2072 the population would be over 16 billion, resulting in a world where people would be “living like rats.” The people with the wherewithal and ability to do something (via wealth and power) must have taken notice of these present global trends, and must have began to consider drastic, unconventional decisions, including the possibility and reality of an exodus of selected people to a place other than this planet. The above facts are the most obvious published evidence of these considerations. The question of who is ultimately behind this major effort perhaps cannot be answered at this time, or perhaps it can—but that is not the subject of this blog.

Keith: "The rich elite of the world have initiated a secret program of space migration to escape the environmental pollution and overpopulation destroying the earth."