Thursday, December 9, 2010

Illuminati, Satanism, Beyonce and Obama

“I have someone else that takes over when it’s time for me to work and when I’m on stage, this alter ego that I’ve created that kind of protects me and who I really am."

 - Beyonce

The visual story related in the Beyonce video for "Crazy In Love" appears to be one of wild sexual possession and of the transformation of a good girl into a demonic creature that emerges from the flames of a burning car. A car her then new lover, Jay Z, was riding in, and who was the driver? Many think the video contains subtle references that it was Satan himself as driver.

She emerged from the burning car to be greeted (initiated?) by Jay Z in the form of her newer, more exciting, dangerous alter-ego Sasha Fierce.

In the 2007 BET award, Beyonce came on stage in a metallic robot suit, mirroring the robot suit worn in Fritz Lang’s antiestablishment 1927 film “Metropolis.”

In the Fritz Lang film, the robot emerges before an inverted pentagram—one of the symbols of the Satanic cult.

Is this a modern artistic expression of demon possession, satanic possession or satanic cult status?

Is it a symbol the Illuminati’s longstanding rebellion against the Christian religion, Christianity-dominated states and societies? The inverted pentagram has long been the primary cult symbol of Satan and the Satanic cult.

Just how deeply are the Illuminati and Lucifer-dominated cults embedded in the fabric of the United States? President George Washington wrote in a 1782 letter, “It was not my intention to doubt that the doctrines of the Illuminati, and the principles of Jacobinism, had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more fully satisfied of this fact than I am.” 

It is well known that the former President George W. Bush is a Free Mason and member of Skull and Bones 322. It is believed by many that these masons use certain hand signals while in the public eye to signal their allegiance to the cult. Often a hand signal that is comprised of a raised fore-finger and pinky, as well as a protruding thumb. (This is not the Texas Longhorn fan sign as the lie has sometimes gone. The Bushes are used to this sort of fraudulent double life, see "Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty" by Russ Baker for more on this.)

Many former presidents and other politicians are members of such organizations as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and are also Free Masons. Let’s see how many of them throw up this familiar “gang sign,” as it were…

Oh! There went former Vice-President Cheney, can we get one from Sarah Palin?

You betcha! (Notice the left hand as well, coincidence?) How about other politicians and world leaders? Let’s see who else is initiated, you might be surprised.

Well, we can rest assured France is in the club (or at least President Sarkozy is). Who else?

Oh, no—Bush and Ahmadinajad in the same gang (or is it a coincidental flashing of the sign)? What next? Surely, President Obama isn’t in on this.

Whoop, there it is! Show us one more time…


Oh, two this time. Let's get the gang deuces once more shall we...

On top of the world. Here's one of a fellow member and friend:

And his wife...

Not to mention the present First Lady.

Though she's more subtle. Let's see it one more time just to be sure.

How about a collage...

Now, let's see the devil do it for good measure...

Evidence of a secretive one world government that flashes gang signs or just a bizarre coincidence? Try Googling images of world leaders and politicians and see just how many throw up the sign.

There's King Abdullah of Jordan doing it.

And King Abdullah of Arabia doing the same thing.

Dan Quayle...

Tom Ridge, former Homeland Security Director.

Yasser Arafat.

Laura Bush.

Bush with the Queen.

Bush's daughter.

John Edwards.

The Pope.

And finally, Anton LaVey, founder and High Priest of the Church of Satan, headquartered in San Francisco, California. Notice the left hand, much in the manner of First Lady Michelle Obama.

Is there a connection? Or is this just a massive coincidence among world leaders?

For more on this cult's influence & power see:

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