Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Alien body found in Siberia, Russia - video & analysis

Alien body video footage from Buryatia, Russia:

From Interfax:

Moscow. March 11. INTERFAX.RU – beginning of March marked another surge of interest in the UFO-related reports from the Irkutsk region, where, allegedly, people Osinsky district witnessed the passage of an unidentified object. Thunder, pink glow, the calls to the MES with the message that exotic ship wrecked. “I believe, not believe, but I saw with my own eyes,” – said witnesses a strange scene . Mass call was the reason for the test: a helicopter with a task force EMERCOM Russia’s Irkutsk region flew to the area, which allegedly crashed in a flying machine. As reported on the resultsof overflight and ground surveys, information about possible incidents on aircraft has not been confirmed. The press service Interfax-Siberia clarified that the glow of an unknown flying object, followed by cotton, residents watched the sky a number of settlements Osinsky district – is caused, Barahal, Highgate, Kutanka, North. In order to verify the information received was organized by the interaction with the head flight VostSibAeronavigatsii (Irkutsk), the shift of the zonal center of the search and rescue (Novosibirsk), the operations duty officer 3rd Air Force Command and Air Defense (Khabarovsk), the duty of the Baikal Branch of Geophysical Survey SB RAS, the duty of a military unit 03 759 AD, the operations duty officer of the FSB and the police department of the Irkutsk region, the duty of investigating the management of Internal Affairs on transport. In place of the alleged incident in the area of the village is caused also traveled Task Force Osinsky police department. In the surveyed area police are no foreign objects are not found, the press-service.

The video was uploaded to YouTube with no connected information. So, let us just for a moment speculate on the footage itself. Never mind the fact that someone is hiding their identity because either they don't want to be associated with a hoax or, in the off chance, an actual dead alien body.

The video begins with a stroll down a path cut into the snow to where the body is. Why would the alien be out there alone, abandoned, no sign of the craft, or whatever else it may have traveled in?

There is the severed leg, with what appears to be a little blood. But there is no blood in the surrounding snow, almost as though it was cauterized, but then again there is no sign on the flesh of any burns either.

The hands are conveniently hidden, the left one ostensibly buried in the snow, the other covered by  the stump of a severed right leg. Were hands too difficult or time consuming, or both, to create with the rest of the model?

Admittedly the arterial network is elaborate and somewhat convincing, but if the alien body is capable of carrying so much blood, where is it? Where is the blood that would have leaked out of the stumpy leg?

The thing looks like a hairless, earless cat with extended arms, muscular shoulders and a protruding gut. What is that object (with the appearance of stool sample) near the stumpy leg? Did the alien drop a dookie in the snow just before or as he was dying?

Weighing all of the above, we consider this video utterly unconvincing - and what of the cursing, disturbed Russian voice on the soundtrack? What's the point of that? But, who knows, we could be wrong...after all, there is no definitive evidence, at this point, proving this is a hoax either.

(Note: only the last photo is of the alien from the Siberian video.)

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