Monday, May 9, 2011

Who is NEJ?

A London court issued a super-injunction, a gagging order, to mask the identity of a movie star of international repute, reportedly at the personal cost to him of 50,000 pounds sterling.

In the British tabloids he has only been called NEJ, the letters he was referred to as in court documents. Twitter has run amok with tweets about the actor who has a family and apparently slept with prostitute Helen Wood.

The identity of NEJ was posted then deleted on the actor's Wikipedia page. The page was then locked from editing according to newspapers.

When the top five box-office accruing UK actors were checked on Wikipedia, only one, a Scottish actor's, was locked from editing. So it stands to reason, is NEJ an actor in Star Wars, as so many Tweeters say? Could it be anyone else? But, then again, a less well known actor's Wikipedia page has also been blocked, perhaps it is not the Scottish actor after all.. On Twitter @InjunctionSuper posted a list of celebrities protected by the super-injunctions, not all of it true. MPs are currently looking into whether the super-injunctions contradict freedom of speech laws.

So, does NEJ = Ewan McGregor or Hugh Bonneville or neither?

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