Thursday, July 14, 2011

How the Greek problem mirrors the American problem

Fed chairman Bernanke says, "[the effects of Ireland, Portugal and Greece on the US economy] are quite small and manageable, [but] were there to be a significant deterioration in conditions in Europe, we would see a general increase in risk aversion, declining asset prices, a lot of volatility in markets."

He went on to say: "And we would suffer from that more general financial situation than we would from the direct exposures to those sovereign countries."

As Boris Johnson says of Greece, bail-outs and austerity measures are only making the country's burdens harder to bear. Some say Greece should be made independent of the EU to heal its wounds, some say it should bear further Draconian measures to temper its economy into something more suitable to the European financial climate. Why it matters: it is the present stage for the conflict between globalists and nationalists across the world.

It was once imagined by a few (with admittedly a more developed understanding of economics than of politics) that unifying the European monetary system would at once create pressures (imagined) that would be irresistible to the individual states of Europe and create by default a "United States of Europe" and thus profit at an exponentially greater rate of return to that of the economic powerhouse that was inadvertently forged in the creation of the United States of America. Being the first successful cloning of the USA, the "USE" would be the first union in a domino effect of unions formed across the globe (e.g. the United States of Africa, of Arabia, of Asia, and et cetera), leading powerfully and rapidly to the formation of one world government with an economy as powerful in its ability to profit as it would be to homogenize the souls of the people of what are presently individual nations. But there was never an agreed upon European constitution to back such a union.

What the founders of the Euro failed to comprehend and the founders of the United States comprehended in full was that there needs to exist a documented unified believe system to fuse together a diverse people. A contract of agreed upon moral and spiritual legitimacy to be the threads of a new egalitarian society. That is not the basis of what the EU or the Euro was founded on. Fundamentally it was founded on the inequality of wealth distribution and now it is reaping the consequences.

Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain won't be the only countries to feel the effects of such a corrupt union in the future, but it will be felt worldwide if our governments continue to attempt financial adhesion among governments where a fundamental compatibility of ideals does not exist.


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