Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ron Paul bests Obama 51% - 49%

LAKE JACKSON, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- In a new Harris Poll, 2012 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul beats President Obama 51 percent to 49 percent in a general election race.
“This is yet another poll that clearly proves how competitive Ron Paul is against the sitting President,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. “Dr. Paul is making strides, affirming that the American people are looking for conviction instead of the typical status quo rhetoric being offered by establishment candidates.”
These results come just a few weeks after a Reuters/Ipsos survey showed Ron Paul polling within striking distance of President Obama among registered voters. Furthermore, a late August Rasmussen poll showed him within 1 percent of President Obama in a head-to-head matchup.

Another recent Gallup survey, conducted August 17-18, shows Paul only 2 percentage points behind Obama in a general election match-up. In a similar head-to-head survey from last year done by Rasmussen, Dr. Paul drew a statistical dead heat with the President. And earlier this year in a survey by CNN, he did the best out of the other Republicans put up against Obama in a head-to-head poll.

The nation needs a leader like Ron Paul (and the group he would assemble) to really, finally, once and for all, end this perilous tyranny that our politicians got us into in 1913 with the creation of a central bank and the  dominant power that was handed over to a handful of bankers and their successors ever since, the true rulers of this country and the world's economy. Those self-same men who are plotting, through the financial union of Europe and the dependency of the rest of the world on the European and American economies, the domination of the planet by this cabal made up of a handful of unknown elites. End the Fed and all the evil and tyranny it represents! Look at what they've done for the American and even the global economy - absolutely nothing constructive but to send it into this tailspin we're in, this eventual downward decline we presently find ourselves in.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ron Paul leads GOP pack & without media support

Ron Paul and Ronald Reagan over a quarter of a century ago...

Ron Paul won the recent California straw poll by a landslide with 44.9 % of the vote to Rick Perry's 29.3 % and Mitt Romney's mere 8.8 % (as tolerant as Californians claim to be Mormonism doesn't go over well in the state).

With near ZERO support from the major newspapers and television networks in the US, Ron Paul has made use of his limited time in the debates as well as the internet and book publishing to make his politics known to the masses. Major television networks have pushed the not too well thought out idea that Ron Paul is somehow mentally unsound as he has made headway in the polls (he remains the only candidate whose expressed views have been consistent from day one). Clearly, this is only because Mr. Paul runs in opposition to the political system which engenders a close relationship with the larger forms of news media in order to control this republic's politics in a not too democratic way; to steer it in a direction that maintains the status quo to the point of a very few maintaining and expanding their pocketbooks at a perilous cost to both the national and international economy, and leaves no room in politics for men and women of alternative ideas.

But eventually, once the economy has entered a state of perpetual recession and collapse (as it now finally has), the public will no longer remain able to keep its blinders on as to the real state of current affairs (as we now are becoming all too painfully aware). Obama promised radical change, away from the obviously destructive methods of the Bush regime, but on stepping into the former president's shoes he continued in exactly the same direction as his predecessor. Whether this is because he is in reality a part of the same elite social clubs that carry on the same singular agenda or because the executive office truly no longer has any actual executive authority (recall Leon Panetta telling Obama early on that a Democratic president can't tell the Pentagon what to do, although on paper at least he is said to be the commander in chief of the armed forces) doesn't really matter: the results are the same.

Ron Paul is one man who is not part of the establishment. He was never an editor of a Harvard newspaper, never part of Yale's Skull & Bones club, never a supporter of the Federal Reserve Bank and the excessive printing of paper that helps sink the value of the US currency ever further into the abyss of worthlessness. Essentially, his values were never maligned to the point of wishing to be a part of a few financially successful groups at the expense of the well being and even the lives of the many. George W. Bush and Barack Obama cannot enter the ranks of those who have actually tried to help the common man. They were simply blinded by an overwhelming lust for power and would say anything and be anything to the point of standing for nothing, personifying nothing but the absolute blindness of the lust for ultimate power.

Obama now wants to raise taxes by $1.5 trillion in the midst of the Greatest Recession since 1929. The financial outlook for the United States and the world is only getting bleaker and yet Obama seeks this tax hike (which is the opposite of what is needed for economic growth in a time when America and the world needs it the most) and at the same time will not end the useless, inane wars in the Middle East which are increasingly becoming an exercise in futility all the while costing upwards of $3 trillion. Who in government can possibly genuinely think any of this is a good idea? That it makes sense on any level? The leading force drawing attention to this insanity is Ron Paul.

Ron Paul has led the GOP in the direction of his conservative and libertarian ideology about the peril in which this nation finds itself and how to remedy its ills. The GOP didn't listen in 2008 when he last appeared on the scene, but they are listening now, and so is Obama. Ron Paul wants to end the Federal Reserve Bank, end the wars in the Middle East, he wants to return to Americans a sense of accountability and power in their government that has been sadly lacking at least since the days of Ronald Reagan, if not far before him. (Ask yourself, of the candidates vying for the GOP nomination, who would Ronald Reagan most likely have backed based on the strength of their ideas, and consistency?)

Over a year ago, Ron Paul polled in a dead heat with Obama. Recently, in a Gallup poll, he has been ranked  within a couple of percentage points of the president. In a poll by CNN, he led the pack of conservative candidates, doing the best against Obama. When is the major news media finally going to see that he is actually a first-string candidate? When will the GOP finally acknowledge that he has what it takes to go all they way? Can a man who actually stands for something (peace, freedom, and the constitution) contend in modern day politics? We have yet to see.

Is the power still, at the end of the day, with the people? Probably not, but here's hoping it is....

Also see:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A reason to riot - were the London riots caused by space storms?

Natural phenomena, a part of the predicted changes of the 2011-2012 period?

Higher casualty numbers in the wars, plummeting stock markets and the anarchic London riots made August quite a time in recent history. Were these events merely coincidental or were there other factors involved, tying these seemingly unrelated events together?

The blame is going to the politicians, petty criminals, rebellious youths, poor military strategy (is this really a new phenomena?), but could the cause of all the insanity really originate outside earth's sphere?
According to Reuters, the sun was throwing out pockets of highly charged particles into space in a display called "coronal mass ejections" or CMEs.
Three large CMEs were behind the US government scientists' warnings of solar storms that can cause electrical blackouts and the sight of phenomena such as the northern lights to be viewed as far south as England and Colorado. This explanation came from NASA, perhaps the most deceptive government agency of any country in known history.

Said SpaceWeather website: "Earth's magnetic field is still reverberating from a CME strike on August 5th that sparked one of the strongest geomagnetic storms in years."
It sounds like NASA and the rest of the government are getting as New Age as the best of them.
Some scientists believe that geomagnetic storms such as these affect the human race, altering their moods and influencing people into disruptive behavior through effects on their biochemistry.
Studies have shown that hospital admissions for depression rise during geomagnetic storms and that incidents of suicide rise.

In 2003, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said that these storms affected the stock market, as traders made more pessimistic decisions.

"Unusually high levels of geomagnetic activity have a negative, statistically and economically significant effect on the following week's stock returns for all US stock market indices," they reported.

More recently, there were multiple earthquakes along the eastern seaboard of the US. The market has dipped tremendously and recovered very well too since early August. The solar storms may have resided for the moment but scientists say they are on the increase and set to peak in the year 2013.
Are we watching the tremendous hand of nature take part in the shift of human consciousness that has been said to occur in and around the year 2012 by cultures from the ancient Mayans to the Native Americans and by various New Age prophets and Nostradamus himself?
Recently, we have watched scandals, both corporate and government, come to light, having emerged from the murky depths after years of secrecy and repression. There is increasing awareness of the cults surrounding and involved in all facets of governmental power around the world. What was kept in darkness is now coming into the light? What was secret is now open, in many aspects of the lives of people around the world. With the developments in technology, specifically social media, it is becoming more and more difficult for public figures to hide the more sordid aspects of their lives.
Obama is unable to hide his smoking and his (what some claim is "increasing") alcoholism. The awareness of the individual man across the globe is increasing and their is a mass shift in values taking place everywhere. Mankind is becoming increasingly aware that he has focused his values on the wrong things for too long. The minds of people are focused less and less on material values and increasingly on abstract, so-called spiritual values.
In the past, self help books (which are a strong indicator of the thought trends of the times) are shifting from the ideas of How to Win Friends and Influence People to those of The Secret a book which is influencing more industries and even politicians (perhaps even governments?) everyday.
This indicates a shift from focusing on outward attitudes to focusing on the power of the images that arise in the mind. Ideas of mind power were reserved for monks and secret brotherhoods in the past, but now they are becoming increasingly widespread. Are all these factors indicators that the changes the ancients predicted in and around the year 2012 are now coming to pass?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Falcon HTV-2, another experimental drone, lost

A Pentagon agency reported that it had lost contact with a drone capable of gliding at mach 20 (20 times the speed of sound) on its second test flight in early August.

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) said the Falcon HTV-2 was launched from Vandenberge Air Force Base in California in the style that a space shuttle is launced, i.e. attached to a rocket. The rocket separated from the HTV-2, the drone got up to speed and ground control lost contact.

The aircraft was meant to reach hypersonic speed before it glided into the ocean according to a DARPA chart.
DARPA tweets tracking the experiment read as follows:

"[The mission is] on track, entering glide phase." 
26 minutes later it was lost.

"Downrange assets did not reacquire tracking or telemetry," said DARPA an hour later.
"HTV-2 has an autonomous flight termination capacity."

This loss of communication was a failure for the agency. The first test flight of the Falcon drone had lost contact just 9-minutes in. The aircraft is too fast to follow. It begs the question: how many billions in defense dollars are being thrown away on the Falcon drone project?

The glider is part of the DOD's attempt to construct what it terms a "prompt global strike" capability that would enable it to decimate targets across the globe in under an hour with conventional or nuclear warheads.