Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ron Paul bests Obama 51% - 49%

LAKE JACKSON, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- In a new Harris Poll, 2012 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul beats President Obama 51 percent to 49 percent in a general election race.
“This is yet another poll that clearly proves how competitive Ron Paul is against the sitting President,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. “Dr. Paul is making strides, affirming that the American people are looking for conviction instead of the typical status quo rhetoric being offered by establishment candidates.”
These results come just a few weeks after a Reuters/Ipsos survey showed Ron Paul polling within striking distance of President Obama among registered voters. Furthermore, a late August Rasmussen poll showed him within 1 percent of President Obama in a head-to-head matchup.

Another recent Gallup survey, conducted August 17-18, shows Paul only 2 percentage points behind Obama in a general election match-up. In a similar head-to-head survey from last year done by Rasmussen, Dr. Paul drew a statistical dead heat with the President. And earlier this year in a survey by CNN, he did the best out of the other Republicans put up against Obama in a head-to-head poll.

The nation needs a leader like Ron Paul (and the group he would assemble) to really, finally, once and for all, end this perilous tyranny that our politicians got us into in 1913 with the creation of a central bank and the  dominant power that was handed over to a handful of bankers and their successors ever since, the true rulers of this country and the world's economy. Those self-same men who are plotting, through the financial union of Europe and the dependency of the rest of the world on the European and American economies, the domination of the planet by this cabal made up of a handful of unknown elites. End the Fed and all the evil and tyranny it represents! Look at what they've done for the American and even the global economy - absolutely nothing constructive but to send it into this tailspin we're in, this eventual downward decline we presently find ourselves in.

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