Monday, October 10, 2011

Yeti's live in Siberia - proof

A Siberian coal mining region Kemerovo said on its website the footprints and hair of yetis were found on an expedition to the remotest mountains in the region.

"During the expedition to the Azasskaya cave, conference participants gathered indisputable proof that the Shoria mountains are inhabited by the 'Snow Man'," the Kemerovo region administration claimed.

"They found his footprints, his supposed bed, and various markers with which the yeti marks his territory," the statement continued.

Researchers from around the world were invited to discuss evidence of the creature as well as encounters.

Yetis are generally considered to be mythological white upright walking creatures, somewhat like apes, but more intelligent and are thought by those who believe in them to mainly be found in the Himalaya mountain range.

The evidence will be turned into special laboratory, it has been stated.

Some believe Russia's remoter mountain regions hold what they call "Snowmen."

This remote mostly industrial region of Russia has been trying to attract tourism for years. Is this a hoax to get people to visit? Or, even better, is it yet another Vladimir Putin scheme to induce fear and attract attention worldwide?

We may never know.


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