Obama is playing on both sides of the fence as usual.
One of the first things Mr Obama did when starting his campaign for the 2008 election was make a trip to Wall Street to ensure the backing of the major players there. Like anyone with half a brain, he realizes where the true power in the United States and the world emanates from and he knew he needed their blessing to succeed and he still does.
After taking office in 2008, Mr Obama was quick to prop up certain failing Wall Street entities such as AIG with billions in taxpayer dollars. Other non-Wall Street based firms were propped up at a price, the price of government control. This happened with big companies such as GMAC in Detroit. As Mr Obama oversaw (doubtless he was not really in control) the transformation of the United States into a Marxist-Socialist-style government (with major industries now directly and firmly in government hands), he also watched the national debt rise at an unprecedented rate by several trillion dollars between the collapse of 2008 and now.
Mr Obama knows as well as any astute observer that while the national debt is a tremendous burden to the multitude who never agreed to enter into this debt in the first place it is a glorious gift of epic proportion to the few who loan the money at interest to the United States. Namely, the Wall Street bankers who have major stakes in the Federal Reserve System and control the money flow in the United States by printing more at any given time, thus controlling inflation and interest levels through the massively over powerful central bank of the nation.
Mr Obama knows that by raising taxes to pay off the national debt he is making the handful of powerful people who got him elected increasingly and astronomically richer. He knows that if this does not work (which he and the nation's debtors prefer as witnessed by the recent stalemate of the so-called "super-committee") and the debt merely increases, the interest to be paid on the debt is ever increasing and for those who receive that interest - it is billions of dollars created out of thin air. This is the definition of "usury" - a word that has all but disappeared out of the English language in modern times.
Thus Mr Obama dances around on either side of the fence, truly not caring a toss what happens, and is smiling through and through regardless of the outcome, as are his backers who truly control him and global politics and the global economy. Money is the name of this game and Obama exploits it well. Ever wonder why a candidate like Ron Paul is given so little attention in the major media? Naturally, the media is controlled by the moneyed-interests in the financial centers and they don't favor a man like Ron Paul who publishes books attacking the Federal Reserve System (one entitled, "End the Fed") and supports a full audit of the Federal Reserve - the central bank is not even really a branch of the Federal government. Truly, the Federal Reserve is an undiluted scam, and if the American people actually understood its inner workings, in the words of Henry Ford, there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
With the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 the American government truly lost its freedom and was from then on under the control of Wall Street. Even the likes of FDR admitted as much. The Fed was created ostensibly to end the rocky market place and the string of financial panics that happened at the turn of the last century. But things got even worse after it came into existence. On its watch, the crash of '29 soon happened and the following Great Depression, as well as more recently the collapse of 2008 and this depression we are now in, following that collapse. After this most recent economic tragedy the national debt, as previously mentioned, increased greatly. And with it, the exponential profit of the few behind the central bank, those shadowy Wall Street bankers who are never seen in the eye of the media and never heard from.
The true target of the Occupy Wall Street movement is these few who control the reigns of global finance from their secret ivory towers, they who pull the puppet strings on the marionette Mr Obama, these few who operate on an international level outside of any nations law or scrutiny. Occupy Wall Street is shining a light in their direction and these wealthy plutocrats are deflecting the light as well as they can and using the media to discredit the protesters by any possible means. The news media picks out the least intelligent people willing to talk among the movement and interviews them and then calls the movement unfocused and essentially stupid.
America became free because a few men stood up against a tyrannical system who was using finance to dominate and beat into subservience a set a colonies from afar, only to, in the space of just over two centuries, become once again dominated by these shadowy financial elements, this hidden elite. Now the tide is turning again and these hidden powers and their corrupt financial game will finally come into the light.