Saturday, November 19, 2011

Herman Cain another Sarah Palin (i.e. a political joke)?

Herman Cain in a rare Morgan Freeman pose...

Yes, clearly he wants to be president. He has a knack for displaying what he believes to be "common sense." He's charming. He was successful in business (as head of a large pizza chain). But does he have a clue about what the job of POTUS (President of the United States) entails? Apparently not.

Much of what the president does is dealing in foreign policy. Mr Obama had limited experience regarding foreign policy on coming into office in 2008. Mr Cain has none at all. He stumbled badly over a question about what he thinks of the Libya situation last week. Clearly he had given the matter no thought at all. Absolutely ZERO. For a man who wants to be president, where's the common sense in this? A week before that Mr Cain commented that he believed "China is trying to get nuclear capability." Actually, Mr Cain, China has had nuclear capability since 1964. Mr Cain, where have you been? Do you give a toss about the world and what goes on in it? Seemingly, whether China has nuclear technology or what goes on in Libya is unnecessary information to a president of the world's largest economy and most capable military power according to Mr Cain's "common sense."

Once the top tier GOP candidate, Mr Cain has shown to have a level of wisdom and knowledge akin to that of Sarah Palin when she was on the GOP ticket for vice-president. Sarah Palin showed her prowess on her knowledge of the world when she told reporters she thought Africa was a country and could not name the countries in the North American continent. Mr Cain, you showed promise early on, but now we see your true colors; you have not the awareness of the world around you possessed even by many seventh graders. What makes you think you can be president?

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