Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Donald Trump calls Sacha Baron Cohen 3rd-rate; fails at speaking basic English

Nobody cares about Donald Trump's opinion, except perhaps the contestants on his game show. But he figured out how to use the camera on his computer and recorded his thoughts on the Oscars, calling Sacha Baron Cohen a third-rate human being (for promoting his upcoming film "The Dictator" by dumping the fake ashes of Kim Jong-il on Ryan Seacrest) and saying that Ryan Seacrest should have punched him. Then he went on to complain about the Oscar parties, saying the dullness of the Vanity Fair party was "symblematic" (confounding the words symbolic and emblematic or symptomatic into a nonexistent word). If nothing else, Mr Cohen has a reasonable command of the basics of the English language. How can you call someone third-rate in a masturbatory home video and then go on to display such ignorance of basic English? Mr Trump is known to be a geniune buffoon, Mr Cohen only plays them.