Friday, February 24, 2012

Sacha Baron Cohen's Adm. Gen. Aladeen: "Death to America!" video

It is unclear whether actor-comedian-provocateur Sacha Baron Cohen has been banned from the Oscars on Sunday night or not. The Academy claims he hasn't been banned, Mr Cohen's camp claims he has. One way or the other this is turning out to be a well planned publicity coup for Mr Cohen's new film "The Dictator."

Apparently, the row between Mr Cohen and the Academy was sparked over the issue of whether or not he would be permitted to attend in character as Admiral General Aladeen, the title character of Mr Cohen's upcoming film. The  above YouTube video is of the dictator of the Republic of Wadiya's response to the supposed ban. In it, Aladeen greets the great "Satan of America" and goes on spoof dictators around the world and Hollywood in his minute and a half rant. Very funny, indeed.

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