Friday, December 9, 2011

Iran displays downed US spy drone

Iran released footage of the recovered US spy drone, believed to be lost during a CIA spy mission over Iran. The reaction in the US has been minimal, the official US government reaction - nothing at all. The drone was shown in an undisclosed location and it appeared to be well intact.

The Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel is believed to be capable of speeds of up to 500-600 mph and is solely a reconnaissance drone as it is not equipped with missiles or bombs as are the MQ-1 and MQ-9 Predator drones.

A US official speaking on the condition of anonymity to Reuters said he believed the Iranians could not determine anything about the mission the aircraft was flying when the brought it down, but he did not say why he thought that.

What is clear is that China and Russia could effectively reverse engineer the aircraft and utilize the developments in stealth technology as well as in infrared sensor and camera technology, technology both countries have been unable to develop to this degree on their own.

According to Newsweek, the Obama administration would not consider bombing the recovered plane or sending in the military to recover or destroy the plane because that would be "an act of war."

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