Friday, December 30, 2011

US war with Iran imminent?

Look at Mr Ahmadinejad in his office in this photograph. His eyes are glazed over (can he even see out of them?), notice the near permanent smile etched into his face, checking to see perhaps whether his French suit is of the perfect cut. One can be forgiven for wondering how intoxicated he is. What has he been smoking, or injecting, or rectally inserting, or eating or in what combination has he been doing these things? The evidence his mind is springboarding off his left nut has been clear for years. But now he wants to close the Strait of Hormuz in response to the threat of sanctions on its oil exportation is downright senseless. "Irrational behavior" it has been called by the US State Department, as the Strait of Hormuz is the passageway for Iran's own oil exports of 2.2 million barrels a day. 80 % of Iran's hard currency comes from exported oil.

But should we be surprised by irrational statements from Mr Ahmadinejad? He once said there were no homosexuals in Iran, that the holocaust never happened and he refuses to acknowledge Israel as a state. He says Iranians have established Islam across the world and that they are politically active everywhere they go. He once said that in Iran you couldn't lose your job for speaking your mind. The lunacy of his statements goes on and on and we needn't be reminded of the extent of it all over again. We know the man is simply a lover of provocative phrases, as he is of political power and of his international celebrity. Some might call it infamy.

Mr Ahmadinejad has been asking for war with the US for years and now he may finally get it. But more likely not. Any action by the US would most likely be a military strike from the air similar to what we saw in Libya. Moreover, it may not even be an openly acknowledged strike but a covert one given Mr Obama's propensity to secret military and paramilitary operations (much like President Carter's own love of clandestine affairs). Perhaps the strike is already underway. The US does have an acknowledged and heavy presence in neighboring Syria, in Djibouti, as well as Naval ships in the Strait of Hormuz. Expect more mysterious explosions at Iranian nuclear facilities in the near future. And while Iran may say they will close the Strait of Hormuz the world knows that in reality they aren't even capable of that (as if it were a good idea for Iran in the first place).

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