Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Donald Trump calls Sacha Baron Cohen 3rd-rate; fails at speaking basic English

Nobody cares about Donald Trump's opinion, except perhaps the contestants on his game show. But he figured out how to use the camera on his computer and recorded his thoughts on the Oscars, calling Sacha Baron Cohen a third-rate human being (for promoting his upcoming film "The Dictator" by dumping the fake ashes of Kim Jong-il on Ryan Seacrest) and saying that Ryan Seacrest should have punched him. Then he went on to complain about the Oscar parties, saying the dullness of the Vanity Fair party was "symblematic" (confounding the words symbolic and emblematic or symptomatic into a nonexistent word). If nothing else, Mr Cohen has a reasonable command of the basics of the English language. How can you call someone third-rate in a masturbatory home video and then go on to display such ignorance of basic English? Mr Trump is known to be a geniune buffoon, Mr Cohen only plays them.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Sacha Baron Cohen's Adm. Gen. Aladeen: "Death to America!" video

It is unclear whether actor-comedian-provocateur Sacha Baron Cohen has been banned from the Oscars on Sunday night or not. The Academy claims he hasn't been banned, Mr Cohen's camp claims he has. One way or the other this is turning out to be a well planned publicity coup for Mr Cohen's new film "The Dictator."

Apparently, the row between Mr Cohen and the Academy was sparked over the issue of whether or not he would be permitted to attend in character as Admiral General Aladeen, the title character of Mr Cohen's upcoming film. The  above YouTube video is of the dictator of the Republic of Wadiya's response to the supposed ban. In it, Aladeen greets the great "Satan of America" and goes on spoof dictators around the world and Hollywood in his minute and a half rant. Very funny, indeed.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Santorum vs Satan

"If you were Satan, who would you attack, in this day and age? There is no one else to go after, other than the United States. And that’s been the case for now almost 200 years, once America’s pre-eminence was sown by our great Founding Fathers. He didn’t have much success in the early days—our foundation was very strong, in fact, is very strong. But over time, that great, acidic quality of time corrodes away even the strongest foundations. And Satan has done so, by attacking the great institutions of America, using those great vices of pride, vanity and sensuality…"

This is Rick Santorum speaking in 2008 at Ave Maria University in Florida. As evidenced by this speech, Mr Santorum believes America was mired in less sin when slavery was in full legal effect and women couldn't vote. Not to mention the many other major ills that afflicted the nation--mass poverty, the lack of education among many, and etc.

It is well known that the United States was founded by high ranking Freemasons who used (and continue to use), among their symbols, the all-seeing eye of Lucifer, which appears on the back of the one dollar bill. Many believe those Masons to be Satanists, to include the Founding Father George Washington. Whether or not this is true, how could Mr Santorum, an educated man, one who professes to take a genuine interest in the United States, so miss the boat?

And is he so steeped in theological lunacy as the above speech seems to indicate? Clearly, the above speech indicates a dangerous neurosis in the order of the neurosis of George W Bush. Nancy Pelosi shares this neurosis. Just how many politicians are closet theologians with extreme (and highly implausible) views? We may never know. Even Mitt Romney keeps his views (if he is a geniune Mormon, then he is also potentially a dangerous lunatic) from the public. Mr Santorum, what are you thinking?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whitney Houston funeral

The funeral was more in the manner of a party of thanks at New Hope Baptist Church, in Newark, New Jersey. A gospel song rang out, “Gratefulness is flowing from my heart...” Millions watched as the funeral was transmitted by a single camera to televisions around the world. Guests included Opray Winfrey, Queen Latifah and Mariah Carrey.

From the Daily Telegraph: "Her body was driven through the streets of Newark in a gold hearse, past the housing projects where she grew up. Then the platinum coffin with gold handles was carried at noon into the red brick church where little Whitney first sang in public, at the age of 11, in the gospel choir alongside her mother Cissy."

Her life was as moving as her music. Ms Houston sold more than 170 million records and won six Grammy awards. Kevin Costner, co-star and producer of the hit film "Bodyguard" said to her coffin: “Off you go Whitney, escorted by an army of angels to your heavenly father. When you sing before him don’t you worry, you’ll be good enough.” He revealed that before filming "Bodyguard" with Ms Houston, he had to reassure her of her ability and help eliminate her doubts.

Ms Houston had come a long way from her 1985 television debut when she was 21. News of her tragic death on February 11 has covered the airwaves around the globe for more than a week now.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Whitney Houston death mystery solved?

LA County Coroner officials told family that Whitney Houston did not die from drowning but from a combination of prescription drugs and alcohol. As there was too little water in her lungs to cause death by drowning, it was ruled out. Ms Houston died due to the combination of the prescription drug Xanax, other prescription drugs, and alcohol. A Xanax-alcohol mixture alone is enough to cause death and Ms Houston most likely had been informed of that fact. That is not to say her death was a suicide by any means.

Several factors led to her death. But LA detectives have determined to their satisfaction that no foul play was involved. Ms Houston's aunt Mary Jones is said to have been the one to find her. After having left Ms Houston 30 minutes prior, she returned to the bathroom to find her head underwater. She immediately tried to perform CPR but to no avail. Ms Houston was pronounced dead at 3:55 p.m. on February 11.

Obama lies about recovery, a forensic analysis

Unemployed carpenter Charles Oliver penned a letter to President Obama to ask, “Are we as Americans going to be alright?” Mr Obama responded: "I know things are tough right now, and I won't lie to you - it will probably take another year or two to fully dig our way out of this hole.

"But yes, we will be ok. Because America has gotten through tougher times before, and because of good people like you."

Mr Oliver sold the letter to pay for repairs on his truck. The letter is currently on auction for $10,000, none of which Mr Oliver will see, should it be sold. Mr Oliver said of Mr Obama,  “He’s out campaigning saying everything is coming up roses. He’s a lying SOB.” It's hard to say he's not right.

A forensic analysis of the handwriting indicates that Mr Obama is very much under confident of a recovery from these times as the first paragraph of his writing slopes on the right side (indicating a gloomy outlook). He did not cross the "T" in the word "it" in the last line of the first paragraph indicating that he is trying to brush past a full awareness of the current crisis, avoiding fully coming to terms with it. The odd shape of the "G" in "dig" indicates that he is extremely under confident, to the point of not even comprehending, the concept behind the word use.

His only action that will affect the economy over time is to raise taxes, which as any economist will tell you only injures economic growth. But clearly, Mr Obama is no economist.

Mr Obama writes the word "hole" most distractedly and unrecognizably of all - putting down something resembling more of the world "like" or "hide." This underlines the fact that, once again, he has no concept of the state of the US economy. How could he as a man who would throw a secret party with Johnny Depp and Tim Burton, providing them carte blanche to spend whatever they like when the economy's in a worse state than it's been in in decades?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston found dead in bathtub, aged 48

It has been said that she may have drowned. No illegal drugs were found near her or in the hotel room but prescription pills were found near her. Staff found her exhibiting no signs of life. Paramedics tried to revive her but could not and pronounced her dead 20 minutes later at 3:55 p.m. on February 11 at the Beverley Hilton Hotel.

In the '80s and '90s she was one of the world's bestselling singers. Ms Houston had put up a long and devastating fight with drugs for many years. Police said there were "no obvious signs" of criminal intent in relation to her death.

Singer Mariah Carey said she was "heartbroken" on Twitter, referring to the death of Ms Houston. 

"My heartfelt condolences to Whitney's family and to all her millions of fans throughout the world.

"She will never be forgotten as one of the greatest voices to ever grace the earth," wrote Ms Carey.

Music producer Simon Cowell said, "There are so few people like her in the world. They are a rarefied breed, these are true superstar, legendary divas and I say divas in the nicest possible way. She had one of the greatest voices I have ever heard in my life, ever."

Singer Aretha Franklin said on Twitter,  "I just can't talk about it now, It's so stunning and unbelievable. I couldn't believe what I was reading coming across the TV screen. My heart goes out to Cissy, her daughter Bobby Kris, her family and Bobby."

Country singer Dolly Parton said in a statement, "Mine is only one of millions of hearts broken over the death of Whitney Houston.

"I will always be grateful and in awe of the wonderful performance she did on my song and I can truly say from the bottom of my heart, "Whitney, I will always love you. You will be missed."

Friday, February 10, 2012

Coco posed nude with baby, posted it on Twitter

32-year-old model Coco (wife of actor-rapper Ice-T) posted a pic of her and her baby nephew on Twitter. Nothing unusual about that. Until you hear that she posed naked in the photo. She later took it down. The photo shows the glamour model nude with her breasts out, one nipple visible, one hand on the baby's chest and the other propping up her head.

She promptly took the photo down after it sparked a controversy online, dividing her fans as to what is acceptable and what isn't. The story later made headlines internationally and has been reported on evening news around the world. Coco's real name is Nicole Natalie Marrow. She stars with her husband in the hit reality-TV show Ice-T loves Coco. Is this photo in good taste and acceptable or is it not? You decide.

Vatican: Pope will die in 12 months

Cardinal Paolo Romeo made the sensational prediction while in China on a visit. The archbishop of Palermo, Silicy spoke of this in November 2011. Apparently, he was so sure of the fact that his audience believed he was referring to a future assassination attempt. Chinese representatives of the Catholic church were so alarmed they reported back to the Vatican.

What Cardinal Romeo said was written in a top secret report back to the pope by a senior cardinal, Dario Castrillon Hoyos, a Colombian, dated December 30, 2011. The Vatican opened an investigation with regard to the report, which was written in German to limit the number of people in the Vatican who might understand it if it was leaked. It warns of a "Mordkomplott" or death plot against the pope.

The story broke in the Italian daily,  Il Fatto Quotidiano. The headline read, "Plot against the pope, he will die in 12 months."

The daily reported: 

"During his talks in China, Cardinal Romeo predicted the death of Benedict XVI within 12 months. His remarks were expressed with such certainty and resolution that the people he was speaking to thought, with a sense of alarm, that an attack on the Pope's life was being planned."

"Cardinal Romeo could never have imagined that the indiscreet remarks he made on the trip to China would be communicated back to the Vatican by third parties."

When questioned about the report the Vatican refused to talk about it. However, they would not deny the existence of the confidential report.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

$900 trillion law suit filed against NYC by mom

Fausat Ogunbayo, 46, of Staten Island, has filed a $900 trillion federal suit against New York City for putting her two children in a foster home more than three years ago.

Ms Ogunbayo has accused the city and Administration for Children’s Services for causing substantial economic injuries, economic hardship, and violating her and her children’s civil rights. Her sons are 16 and 13.

To put her suit into perspective, the highest award in a suit against New York City was a little over $18 million. That was for serious bodily injury, including paralysis.

10 richest supermodels nude

10. Adriana Lima
Worth: £22m

9. Milla Jovovich
Worth: £23m
8. Naomi Campbell
Worth: £31m
7. Claudia Schiffer
Worth: £35m
6. Elle Macpherson
Worth: £38m
5. Heidi Klum
Worth: £45m

4. Kate Moss
Worth: £50m
3. Christie Brinkley
Worth: £51m
2. Tyra Banks
Worth: £57m
1. Gisele Bündchen
Worth: £96m

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Iran's mad Ayatollah: Kill all Jews, annihilate Israel

Reza Khalili, in an article for wnd.com, wrote: "The Iranian government, through a website proxy, has laid out the legal and religious justification for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of its people.

"The doctrine includes wiping out Israeli assets and Jewish people worldwide."

Iran is sure Israel will attack its nuclear facilities so Iran claims it is justified in launching a pre-emptive strike against Israel and all Jews.

Friday, Ayatollah Khamenei declared Iran's support of any nation or group that attacks Israel, "the cancerous tumor."

Iran’s Defense Ministry claimed this weekend to have test-fired an advanced two-stage, solid-fuel ballistic missile and talked of successfully putting a new satellite into orbit, effectively telling the West that it now possesses the technology for intercontinental ballistic missiles, all the while readying its nuclear program.

President Barack Obama has stated the no options are off the table in dealing with Iran in a speech this weekend. Tensions between Iran, Israel and the West have been pushed to the brink. Though Iran has backed off its threat of blocking the Strait of Hormuz in reply to sanctions placed on it for maintaining a nuclear program the state's rhetoric has grown increasingly sharp as it now believes an Israeli strike is imminent.

22-inch man vies for Guinness book

Chandra Bahadur Dangi, the world's shortest man, is just 22-inches tall and weighs 26 pounds. "We intend to travel to Mr Dangi's village to officially measure him and are currently making provisions for medical professionals to assist us in the verification," editor-in-chief of Guinness World Records, Craig Glenday, emailed AFP.

"We cannot confirm Mr Dangi's height until formal measurements have been taken and verified by Guinness World Records officials but we hope to undertake the verification in the next few weeks," Glenday said. Reportedly, Mr Dangi has never been to hospital or required medicine and is in the best of health.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rihanna "still hung up" on Chris Brown

“She knows how disappointed her fans – not to mention her family and friends – would be if she took him back,” said Closer magazine.

“But Chris is the only man she ever seems to have really loved.”

Rihanna is talking to Chris Brown after a time of silence between them.

“They are still in contact and, while they don’t speak often, she’s met him a few times. Friends are concerned she may believe Chris is a changed man,” a source told Closer.

Clandestine war in Syria within 24 hours?

Foreign policy is in fast-forward mode these days. Can President Barack Obama keep up? It is reported that Arab jet fighters, and possibly Turkish warplanes, backed by American logistic support will implement a no fly zone in Syria's skies, after the Arab League will issue a decision, under its Charter, calling for the protection of Syrian civilians  (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/no-fly-zone-over-syria-imminent).

“Assad must halt his campaign of killing and crimes against his own people now. He must step aside and allow a democratic transition to proceed immediately,” said Mr Obama in a statement.
From http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/02/04/192423.html, "President Barack Obama on Saturday accused Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government of murdering civilians in an “unspeakable assault” in the city of Homs, and demanded that Assad step down, a day after more than 400 civilians across the country....

"The U.S. president’s blunt condemnation came amid reports that more than 200 civilians were killed by Syrian forces in a night of shelling of residential areas in the flashpoint city of Homs.
"More than 200 others were reported killed by security forces elsewhere in the country."

“Yesterday the Syrian government murdered hundreds of Syrian citizens, including women and children, in Homs through shelling and other indiscriminate violence, and Syrian forces continue to prevent hundreds of injured civilians from seeking medical help,” said Mr Obama.

“I strongly condemn the Syrian government’s unspeakable assault against the people of Homs and I offer my deepest sympathy to those who have lost loved ones,” said he.

Mr Obama said the Security Council “now has an opportunity to stand against the Assad regime’s relentless brutality and to demonstrate that it is a credible advocate for the universal rights that are written into the U.N. Charter.”

Alarabiya further reported, Western diplomats at the United Nations said they were determined to vote Saturday on a resolution condemning the bloodshed in Syria, despite strong Russian objections.

Mr Obama pledged to work with the Syrians “toward building a brighter future [for Syria]."
“Every government has the responsibility to protect its citizens, and any government that brutalizes and massacres its people does not deserve to govern,” said Mr Obama.

“The Syrian regime’s policy of maintaining power by terrorizing its people only indicates its inherent weakness and inevitable collapse.

“Assad has no right to lead Syria, and has lost all legitimacy with his people and the international community,” Mr Obama said.

Alarabiya said the Syrian regime denied responsibility for Friday’s mass killing, blaming saying that “armed groups” for attacking civilians across the country.

This is deeply saddening news. In the UN, Russia and China vetoed a draft for UN Security Council action in Syria. Perhaps they are simply using Syria as a pawn as they have used Iran in recent days in order to try and provoke a larger war with the United States and her allies. Inevitably, this will now lead to clandestine military action against the the "president," Bashar al-Assad by the West in the coming days. The implications of this action are extremely dangerous, but more dangerous would be to stand by and do nothing. This whole episode may correctly be seen as "Operation Libya: Same Song Second Verse," if you will as the parallels are as numerous as they are obvious. Undoubtedly, the details of whatever happens, clandestinely or overtly, will be leaked to the news media as they do happen, as is the frequent manner of the Western with regards to intelligence matters.

Controversial Forgotten Man painting

This painting by Jon Naughton says it all. Click image above for full view.

Ananda Marchildon sues agency that called her "too fat"

According to the Daily Telegraph, model Ananda Marchildon, who won a Next Top Model television competition, said she only got  £8,300 of the £62,300 contract for winning the competition in 2008 at the age of 21. Ms Marchildon, stripped of her title, said Elite Model Management ended her contract a year before the end of the three year period she signed for because her hips were wider than the 34.5 inch agency requirement.

Her attorney claims Elite told Ms Marchildon: “although she has a nice face, she has a fat a***” and that “she never had it in her to become a top model because she was unsuitable for catwalk work.” Apparently, the Couture underwear sizes for these models only come in one size: petite. Go, Ms Marchildon, let's have a real woman model for a change!

If anyone out there has any other, better pics of Ms Marchildon please send them in so we can update this opinion piece. Thank you.