Sunday, January 22, 2012

Death to PIPA and SOPA!

Senators Marco Rubio and John Cornyn came out strong for PIPA and SOPA, but the backlash by web heavy hitters from Facebook and Twitter to Youtube, Google and Wikipedia scared them into hiding and the bills were indefinitely shelved in reaction to the public outcry. After the public came out so strong against the bills, President Obama said he would not support them either and would veto them if they came across his desk.

If the bills passed, Google said it would have to blackout Youtube overnight and perhaps the largest search engine in the world would also be temporarily shutdown as it scanned the sites it ranks for copyright infringement. Wikipedia, a massively popular site would also have to shutdown for the fact that so much of its material potentially violates copyright infringement laws. What does all this commotion indicate? Perhaps the world is changing in its attitude toward copyright laws and perhaps one day intellectual property laws will even be a thing of the past.

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