Monday, January 16, 2012

Tony Blair, Inc. worth £30 million to £40 million

This is the 6,000-square-foot house on Grosvenor Square where former Prime Minister Tony Blair cashes in on his celebrity status under the guise of running myriad companies and charities. For this reason it has earned the name (not official) Blair, Inc. For all his efforts from this location and more so around the globe (he spends as little as two months in Britain in any given year) and at a cost of over £8 million a year in travel expenses, he has earned up to £40 million. But, according to analysts, it is hard to say really how much he is worth. He does not disclose such information to the public.

Mr Blair is said not to fly commercial and to have private staff waiting for him wherever he goes. This must account for the £8 million in travel expenses. One source told the Telegraph: “They spent an incredible amount of expenses on travel. It was absolutely ridiculous.” In the past, Mr Blair has flown on private planes owned by Col Muammar Gaddafi and Rwanda's president Paul Kagame. Both colorful or formerly colorful characters to say the least.

Mr Blair denies being motivated by money claiming that two thirds of his time is devoted to charity. If you're not devoted to the accumulation of money, Mr Blair, why do you take in so much of it and often from such dubious sources? 

A Kuwati source has claimed that TBA (Tony Blair Associates) stands to gain £27 million over the course of a contract in which he is to advise the Kuwati government on how to govern. Interesting since he was an abysmal failure in the governance of his own country. Sounds like old boy network kickbacks to me.

His companies Windrush and Firerush consist of complicated webs of companies, comprised of LLPs and LLCs, which hide the intricacies of Mr Blair's businesses from public scrutiny. One may ask, when he devises Airrush and Waterrush will things be any different? Yes, the Masonic symbols in the names of his companies as well as in his operations abound. And so does the stench.

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