Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg group will gather in St. Moritz, Switzerland this year, June 9-12. Bilderberg has met in Switzerland four times in various cities. Usually they meet in the US whenever their brother the Trilateral Commision meets there, but this year, although the TC is meeting in D.C. April 8-10, the Bilderbergs are meeting in Switzerland. Could it be that they consider themselves to be too well known in the US for their own good?

The Bilderberg Club is often referred to as the most secretive and exclusive cult in the world. To gain entry, one must own a multinational bank, and multinational corporation or a nation-state. Since its inception in '53 it has been attended by many of the world's top powerbrokers .

According to Alex Jones, the Libyan invasion is due to the Bilderberg agenda of stirring enough unrest in the Middle East so that America can justify going to war with Iran, just as the Stuxnet virus was developed with the same object in mind.

(London's Daily Telegraph reported that the Stuxnet virus was developed by Israel and an unnamed Western power to infiltrate Iran's nuclear computer controlling system and cause it to severely disfunction. In response, it is rumored Iran has executed some of its nuclear computer scientists.)

Across Europe major newspapers will cover the annual Bilderberg event but The Washington Post, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times and their widespread off-shoots will not report on the meetings because they are owned by Bilderberg members. Daniel Estulin, in his book The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, records an interview with a disaffected Bilderberg member who discusses the group's globalist agenda of A New World Order or the creation of one world government to enslave the human race. This may sound far fetched, but if you think about it - what other objective would a secret cult of the world's richest powerbrokers pursue? LOL – but seriously.

For more information on the Bilderberg Group, see: http://unusualnewsanalysis.blogspot.com/2011/04/bilderberg-meetings.html

Here is a list of Bilderberg attendees past and present (from Wikipedia):


§  Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (1997, 2000, 2006, 2008-2010)[1][2][3]
§  Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (1954, 1975)[4][5] (deceased)
§  Prince CharlesPrince of Wales, United Kingdom (1986)[6][7]
§  Prince PhillipDuke of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (1965, 1967)[10][11]
§  King Harald V of Norway [13] (1984[14])


United States
§  George W. Ball (1954, 1993),[15] Under Secretary of State 1961-1968, Ambassador to U.N. 1968
§  Sandy Berger (1999),[16] National Security Advisor, 1997–2001
§  Lee H. Hamilton (1997),[1] former US Congressman
§  Christian Herter,[18] (1961, 1963, 1964, 1966), 53rd United States Secretary of State
§  Charles Douglas Jackson (1957, 1958, 1960),[19] Special Assistant to the President
§  Henry Kissinger[21] (1957, 1964, 1966, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977, 2008),[22] 56th United States Secretary of State
§  Colin Powell (1997),[1] 65th United States Secretary of State
§  Paul Volcker,[17] Chair of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board and Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1979–1987
§  Roger Altman (2009),[17] Deputy Treasury Secretary from 1993–1994, Founder and Chairman of Evercore Partners

§  Bill Clinton (1991),[23][24] President 1993-2001
§  Gerald Ford (1964, 1966),[4][25] President 1974-1977 (deceased)
§  John Edwards (2004),[26][27] Senator from North Carolina 1999-2005
§  Chuck Hagel (1999, 2000),[28] Senator from Nebraska 1997-2009
§  Sam Nunn (1996, 1997),[1] Senator from Georgia 1972-1997
§  Rick Perry (2007),[29] Governor of Texas 2000-current
United Kingdom
§  Rt Hon the Baroness Shirley Williams ( at least 2010), stateswoman and member, House of Lords; Harvard University Professor; Past President, Chatham House; int'l member, Council on Foreign Relations.
§  Peter Carington, 6th Baron Carrington (Steering Committee member) ,[33] former Foreign Secretary
§  Kenneth Clarke (1993,[34] 1998,[35] 1999,[36] 2003,[37] 2004,[38] 2006,[39] 2007,[39] 2008,[40][41] Chancellor of the Exchequer 1993-1997,Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 2008-2010, Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Justice 2010-current
§  Denis Arthur Greenhill, Lord Greenhill of Harrow (deceased) (1974),[42]) former Head of Foreign and Commonwealth Office
§  Denis Healey (founder and Steering Committee member),[33] former Chancellor of the Exchequer
§  Peter Mandelson (1999,[43] 2009[44] Business Secretary (2008–2010)
§  John Monks (1996),[45] former TUC General Secretary
§  George Osborne (2006,[46] 2007,[46] 2008[47] 2009[48]Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (2004–2010), Chancellor of the Exchequer2010-current
§  David Owen (1982),[49] former British Foreign Secretary and leader of the Social Democratic Party
§  Enoch Powell, (deceased) (1968),[50] MP and Ulster Unionist
§  Malcolm Rifkind (1996),[45] former Foreign Secretary
§  Eric Roll (1964, 1966, 1967, 1973–1975, 1977–1999) (Bilderberg Steering Committee),[51] Department of Economic Affairs, 1964, later Bilderberg Group Chairman
§  David Hannay, Baron Hannay of Chiswick (1995),[52] Diplomatic posts at European Union and United Nations.
§  John Smith (1989) (deceased),[53] Labour Party leader
Prime Ministers
§  Tony Blair (1993),[23][34] Prime Minister 1997-2007
§  Gordon Brown (1991),[24] Prime Minister 2007- 2010
§  Edward Heath,[4] Prime Minister 1970-1974
§  Alec Douglas-Home (1977–1980),[54] Chairman of the Bilderberg Group, Prime Minister 1963-1964
§  Margaret Thatcher (1975),[55] Prime Minister 1979-1990
§  Paul-Henri Spaak, Former Prime Minister[56] (1963) (deceased)
§  Ruud Lubbers, Former Prime Minister[57]
§  Wim Kok, Former Prime Minister[57]
§  Jan-Peter Balkenende, Former Prime Minister[57]
§  Maxime Verhagen, Minister[57]
§  Gaston Defferre (1964),[58] member of National Assembly and mayor of Marseille (at the time) (deceased)
§  Francisco Pinto Balsemão (1981, 1983–1985, 1987–2008),[9] former Prime Minister of Portugal, 1981–1983 and CEO of Impresa media group
§  Nuno Morais Sarmento,[60][61] former Minister of Presidency and Minister of Parliament Affairs
§  António Costa (2008),[60][61] former Minister of Interior and current Mayor of Lisbon
§  Rui Rio (2008),[60][61] current Mayor of Porto
§  Augusto Santos Silva,[60] former Minister of EducationMinister of Culture, Minister of Parliament Affairs, and current Minister of National Defence
§  Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (1998),[60] former Minister of Parliament Affairs
§  Vítor Constâncio (1988),[63][65] governor of the Banco de Portugal
§  Artur Santos Silva,[66] former vice-governor of the Banco de Portugal, chairman of Banco Português de Investimento and current non-executive chairman of Jerónimo Martins
§  Siv Jensen (2006) Leader for The Norwegian political party, "Fremskrittspartiet". (Progress Party (Norway))
§  Jens Stoltenberg (2002), current Prime Minister of Norway.[13]
§  Kristin Clemet[13] (1999, 2008[67]) Managing Director of the liberal and conservative think tank Civita, Former Minister of Education and Science.
§  Geir Lundestad (2005)[68] Director of the Norwegian Nobel institute and Secretary to The Nobel Peace Prize Committee.
§  Eero Heinäluoma (2006),[69] former Chairman of the Finnish Social Democratic Party and he was the Minister of Finance between 2005 and 2007
§  Sauli Niinistö (1997),[1] former Minister of Finance (Finland), Speaker of Parliament
§  Matti Vanhanen (2009),[71][72] former Prime Minister, former chairman of Suomen Keskusta
§  Bjarni Benediktsson[73] (1965, 1967, 1970),[74] Mayor of Reykjavík 1940-47, Foreign Minister 1947-55, editor of The Morning Paper 1956-59, Minister of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs 1959-63, Prime Minister 1963-70
§  Björn Bjarnason[73] (1974, 1977),[75] Assistant editor of The Morning Paper 1984-1991, Minister of Education 1995-2002, Minister of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs 2003, 2009
§  Davíð Oddsson[73] (ca. 1991-1999), Mayor of Reykjavík 1982-1991, Prime Minister 1991-2004, Foreign Minister 2004-2005, Central Bankgovernor 2005-2009, editor of The Morning Paper as of September 2009
§  Einar Benediktsson[73] (ca. 1970), ambassador: OECD 1956-60, UK 1982-1986, European Union et al. 1986-1991, NATO 1986-1990,United States et al. 1993-1997, etc.[76]
§  Geir Haarde,[77] Central Bank economist 1977-1983, member and chairman of the Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee 1991-1998,Minister of Finance 1998-2005, Foreign Minister 2005-2006, Prime Minister 2006-2009
§  Geir Hallgrímsson[73] (ca. 1974-1977,[75][78] 1980[79]), Mayor of Reykjavík 1959-72, Prime Minister 1974-78, Foreign Minister 1983-1986,Central Bank governor 1986-1990
§  Hörður Sigurgestsson,[73] former CEO of shipping line Eimskip, former chairman and CFO of Icelandair[80]
§  Jón Sigurðsson[73] (1993), IMF Board of Directors 1974-1987, Minister of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs 1987-88, Industry and Commerce 1988-93, Central Bank governor 1993-94, Nordic Investment Bank governor 1994-2005[81]
§  Michael McDowell, former Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform [9]
§  Peter Sutherland, Director General of the WTO and former Attorney General of Ireland [1]
§  Józef Retinger (1954 to 1960), Founder and secretary of Bilderberg Group[5][85] (deceased)
§  Pierre Elliott Trudeau,[86] Prime Minister of Canada, 1968–1979, 1980–1984
§  Jean Chrétien (1996),[45] Prime Minister of Canada, 1993–2003
§  Stephen Harper (2003),[86] Prime Minister of Canada, 2006-current
§  Paul Martin (1996),[45] Prime Minister of Canada, 2003–2006
§  Frank McKenna (2006, 2010),[87] Deputy Chair of TD Bank Financial Group, Canadian Ambassador to the United States 2005-2006,Premier of New Brunswick 1987-1997
§  Gordon Campbell (2010), Premier of British Columbia, 2001–Present
§  Heather Reisman 2000–Present
§  Carl Bildt (2006),[88] (2008),[88] (2009), Minister of Foreign Affairs 2006-
§  Anders Borg (2007),[88] Minister of Finance 2006-
§  Thorbjörn Fälldin (1978),[22] Prime Minister 1976-1978
§  Maud Olofsson (2008),[88] Minister of Industry 2006-
§  Fredrik Reinfeldt (2006),[88] Prime Minister 2006-
§  Mona Sahlin (1996),[88] Head of the Swedish social democratic party 2007-
§  Werner Faymann (2009),[89] Chancellor 2008–present
§  Andreas Treichl (2009),[90] CEO of Erste Bank
EU Commissioners
European Union Commissioners who have attended include:
§  Frederik Bolkestein (1996, 2003),[91] former European Commissioner
§  Pascal Lamy (2003,[91] 2010[3]), former European Commissioner for Trade, Director-General of the World Trade Organization 2005–present
§  Peter Mandelson (1999),[43] (2009),[44] former European Commissioner for Trade 2004-2008
§  Pedro Solbes (2010),[3] former European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, former Second Vice President of Spain, former Minister of Economy and Finance
§  Colin Gubbins[92] (1955, 1957, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966), head of the British SOE (deceased)
§  Lyman Lemnitzer (1963),[56] Supreme Allied Commander NATO 1963-1969 (deceased)
§  Alexander Haig (1978),[22] NATO Commander 1974-1979 (US Secretary of State 1981-1982) (deceased)
§  Jaap de Hoop Scheffer[3] (2010), former Secretary General of NATO
Financial institutions
§  Ben Bernanke (2008,[30] 2009),[44] Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve
§  Wim Duisenberg, former European Central Bank President[57] (deceased)
§  Gordon Richardson,[93](1966, 1975) former Governor of the Bank of England (deceased)
§  Jean-Claude Trichet (2009,[94] 2010[3]) President of the European Central Bank 2003-current
§  Paul Volcker (1982, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1992, 1997),[1] former Chairman of the Federal Reserve
§  Siegmund Warburg (1977)[93] (deceased)
Major corporations
§  Percy Barnevik (1992–1996, 1997,[1] 2001), former CEO of ASEA
§  Michel Bon,[95] former CEO of France Telecom
§  Lord Browne of Madingley (1995, 1997,[1] 2004), Chief Executive BP
§  Bill Gates (2010),[96] Chairman of Microsoft
§  Eric Schmidt (2008, 2010),[97] CEO and Chairman of Google
§  Donald E. Graham (2008-2010),[98] CEO and Chairman of The Washington Post Company, Board of Directors for Facebook
§  Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.,[99] IBM Chairman
§  H. J. Heinz II (1954),[20] CEO of H. J. Heinz Company (deceased)
§  André Lévy-Lang(French)[95] former CEO of Paribas
§  Jorma Ollila (1997,[1] 2005, 2008), Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell and Nokia Corporation
§  Paul Rijkens (Dutch) Former Chairman of Unilever[57]
§  Jürgen E. Schrempp (1994–1996, 1997),[1] 1998, 1999, 2001–2005, 2006, 2007), former CEO of DaimlerChrysler
§  Hans Stråberg (2006),[88] CEO of Electrolux
§  Peter Sutherland (1989–1996, 1997,[1] 2005), former Chairman of BP
§  Martin Taylor[1] (1993–1996,[45] 1997), former CEO, Barclays
§  Jacob Wallenberg (2006),[88] Chairman of Investor AB
University, institute and other academic
§  C. Fred Bergsten (1971, 1974, 1984, 1997),[1] President, Peterson Institute
§  Ross Blair (1999, 2003, 2008, 2010),[1] Architect, INGSOC
§  Nicolas Beytout(French)[95] Editor of Le Figaro (France)
§  Conrad Black (1981, 1983, 1985–1996)[45](1997),[100] Hollinger International, Inc.
§  William F. Buckley, Jr. (1996),[101] columnist and founder of National Review (deceased)
§  Will Hutton[23] (1997), former CEO of The Work Foundation and editor-in-chief for The Observer
§  Andrew Knight (1996),[33][45] journalist, editor, and media baron
§  George Stephanopoulos (1996, 1997),[45] Former Communications Director of the Clinton Administration (1993–1996), now ABC NewsChief Washington Correspondent
§  Peter Mansbridge (2010), Chief Correspondent, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

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