Friday, March 11, 2011

Major war coming 2012?

Albert Einstein: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

Nevermind the fake "War on Terror" (it isn't really a war), there may be a much more serious, real war on the horizon. When asked about the possibility of a major war erupting in 2012 the first question that comes to mind is: what would be the cause of such a conflict? So, what then, is the cause of most major wars? Usually, it is some kind of attack or invasion prompted by an economic reason. What presently visible economic problems could amplify to the extent that they would be the root of the type of global unrest that would spark such a conflict? The rapidly ascending oil price, currently heading towards the $150 per barrel mark is one factor for sure, and could be the only necessary factor given the importance the energy industry bears on the global economy as a whole. But let’s look at what the experts have to say.

Charles Nenner, Gerald Celente, and Lindsey Williams are respected experts in the field and they reckon we will encounter a very dire economic climate over the next few years. So what are these predictions and what chances do they have of becoming reality? Considering these experts long track records in successful economic  prediction, their warnings are alarming indeed.

Nenner, who was a technical analyst at Goldman Sachs, told Fox Business a major war will begin some time around the end of 2012 and that the DJIA will plummet to the vicinity of 5000 points.

Celente of Trends Research Institute relates to Fox News that he is forecasting great economic chaos over the 2011-2013 period and believes that gold will rise to the price of $2000 at some time in the near future. For several years Celente has been expounding on his believe that the “Greatest Depression” is heading our way and his predictions are alarming.

Williams told Alex Jones of that his contacts in high positions have told him that there will be great chaos in the Middle East and that oil prices will eventually hit $150-200 per barrel.

Of course, these three are not the only ones warning of a looming economic disaster and potential war.

Bill Gross, manager of the world’s largest bond fund, has announced that PIMCO, his firm, IS DUMPING ALL U.S. TREASURY BONDS.
Carl Icahn, the hedge-fund billionaire, is returning all investments to his clients from his hedge funds. The New York Post said:

The 75-year-old shareholder agitator announced yesterday he was shutting off outside investors from his hedge funds and returning all of their money, claiming he can’t stomach the idea of clients suffering more losses after a brutal 2008.

Many of the richest people in the world have converted their wealth away from US dollars and into gold and silver. Ben Bernanke, US Federal Reserve chairman when recently asked what the dollar is avoided the question but said only, “People don’t want to buy gold but want to buy food and clothes.” Clearly, if he is publicly saying what not to do with the dollar, which people are currently doing in droves, something is wrong.

The most recent Reuters poll showed that 64 percent of Americans think the US is headed in the wrong direction. The American (and world) economic system, based on debt and speculation, which really is just one big Ponzi scheme, is apparently coming to a crashing halt as people around the world realize the rapidly diminishing value of the US currency on which the global economy is now based. (The US dollar is currently the reserve currency of the world.)

The US economy is moving further toward breaking point (that point being when the diminishing dollar reaches the zero mark in value) with hundreds of cities becoming economic deadzones. With 44 million and rising now on food stamps in America, the illusion of recovery is ever more transparent.

With the Fed continually printing trillions of paper dollars and the US government continually borrowing those trillions, few can fail to see where this game is fast headed. Why does no one ask, “Who owns the Fed and all the money it prints? Who owns US national debt (end effectively the US)? And why are they continually printing more money to cover up the ever-widening pockets of disappearing wealth (disappearing into their own pockets in the form of the US national debt), all the while increasingly devaluing the US dollar at an exponential rate?” Why are so very few asking these questions? Why don’t they ask, “Who owns our $14 trillion plus and ever expanding national debt?” Is it not most obvious that this very debt is making slaves of us all?

With a financial disaster and subsequent major outbreak of war across the world looming on an ever closer horizon, do you find this national and international complacency more than a little strange?

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