Thursday, March 31, 2011

USC fratboy's roof sexcapade in pictures

Scroll down for play-by-play pics.

USC frat boy (Kappa Sigma Member) gets lollipop treatment on rooftop of Waite Phillips Hall building.

Kappa Sigma campus president Zach Timm told the USC Daily Trojan:

While the actions that were taken did involve a member of our chapter we, in no way, support this kind of behavior, nor do we promote any other such actions. The member in question has been suspended from Kappa Sigma for conduct unbecoming of a Kappa Sigma and a gentleman until a more detailed investigation can be conducted.

Update: Denzil J. Suite., USC's associate vice president for student affairs, tells the Weekly he can't say if disciplinary action is pending because that would be a private matter. But he did say this:

Only one of the individuals on the roof was a student at USC. Unauthorized access to rooftops is a violation of university policies and we will be following up ...
What is depicted in the photos is a violation of our code of conduct and of our most basic community standards. To say that we are disappointed in this type of behavior does not begin to capture the seriousness with which we regard this type of activity.

Come on, inwardly, you know you're proud of the lad, Suite.

Here's a play-by-play in images of the incident. . . .

She shows up, he's already naked on the roof.

"Come over here, check out the view," he says.

"I like this view," she says, between gobbles.

She turns around. He moves in for the kill.

He gets busy as she checks out more of the view.

A few minor adjustments. . .

More of the same, then he gets her on her back. . . .

He finishes up and exits the scene. Can he have been aware at the time he was being photographed? One way or the other, I'm sure he knows now. . . .

Just another 24 in the life of a USC pimp. . . .

Apparently, she was not a student.


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