Friday, December 30, 2011

Katy Perry and Russell Brand to divorce

Russell Brand filed for divorce from Katy Perry in a Los Angeles court earlier today citing irreconcilable differences. It is odd coming not a month after Mr Brand said this on the Ellen Show: "I am really happily married. I am married to Katy perpetually. Until death do us part was the pledge. I am still alive." Apparently the pair spent Christmas apart, Mr Brand in Cornwall, England with family and the popstar in Hawaii with friends. The photograph at bottom is Mr Brand's hand without a wedding ring in London. Reportedly he has not worn one for two days now.

US war with Iran imminent?

Look at Mr Ahmadinejad in his office in this photograph. His eyes are glazed over (can he even see out of them?), notice the near permanent smile etched into his face, checking to see perhaps whether his French suit is of the perfect cut. One can be forgiven for wondering how intoxicated he is. What has he been smoking, or injecting, or rectally inserting, or eating or in what combination has he been doing these things? The evidence his mind is springboarding off his left nut has been clear for years. But now he wants to close the Strait of Hormuz in response to the threat of sanctions on its oil exportation is downright senseless. "Irrational behavior" it has been called by the US State Department, as the Strait of Hormuz is the passageway for Iran's own oil exports of 2.2 million barrels a day. 80 % of Iran's hard currency comes from exported oil.

But should we be surprised by irrational statements from Mr Ahmadinejad? He once said there were no homosexuals in Iran, that the holocaust never happened and he refuses to acknowledge Israel as a state. He says Iranians have established Islam across the world and that they are politically active everywhere they go. He once said that in Iran you couldn't lose your job for speaking your mind. The lunacy of his statements goes on and on and we needn't be reminded of the extent of it all over again. We know the man is simply a lover of provocative phrases, as he is of political power and of his international celebrity. Some might call it infamy.

Mr Ahmadinejad has been asking for war with the US for years and now he may finally get it. But more likely not. Any action by the US would most likely be a military strike from the air similar to what we saw in Libya. Moreover, it may not even be an openly acknowledged strike but a covert one given Mr Obama's propensity to secret military and paramilitary operations (much like President Carter's own love of clandestine affairs). Perhaps the strike is already underway. The US does have an acknowledged and heavy presence in neighboring Syria, in Djibouti, as well as Naval ships in the Strait of Hormuz. Expect more mysterious explosions at Iranian nuclear facilities in the near future. And while Iran may say they will close the Strait of Hormuz the world knows that in reality they aren't even capable of that (as if it were a good idea for Iran in the first place).

America, becoming a third world country?

According to CNN, the employment rate in the US for youths aged 16-29 is now 55.3 %. The article linked this to the fact that Mr Obama's approval rating with American youth is less than half. Is Mr Obama to blame? Probably not. Is he capable of making a change to these drastic figures? No. Presidents get saddled with  responsibility for all sorts of things they, in reality, have no control of; that is a well known fact. Nonetheless, they are ceaselessly blamed for what they cannot control. About the only thing Mr Obama can control in this picture is whether or not he runs for reelection. Perhaps the smart thing to do would be to not run again. He has garnered a few considerable accomplishments in these grim times. Though, understandably, their level of importance to the average American is not high: he authorized and oversaw the demise of Osama bin Laden; controversially, he decided on military action in Libya (or perhaps his hands were tied and it was decided for him) which resulted in Mr Gaddafi's eventual demise, he ended the Iraq war (though many would say this took him far too long), and he brought into play a highly controversial health care bill. Still, on the most important issue, that of the economy, he has done nothing to improve matters (again, it is questionable as to whether he can do anything).

With over half our youth unemployed and unpaid student loans now surpassing unpaid credit card debt, the massive tragedy of America's broken economy is not easily disguised. And this inevitably brings up questions of the United State's gravely uncertain future. Is the nation on its way to unemployment rates rivaling those of third world countries, many as high as 80 %? Possibly. Does anyone in America, politicians, businessmen, academics, think tanks or anyone else, have a viable plan for the nation's recovery? Not one we have seen.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Veena Malik nudity getting more traffic than OBL's death

Bollywood star Veena Malik's nude FHM cover is getting more online traffic in Pakistan than Osama bin Laden's death according to the Washington Post. Here are the pics: 

As American foreign policy evolves

Brent Scowcroft of The Scowcroft Group and the Council on Foreign Relations said in 2008:

"There have been three general trends in America on this issue. The first I would call the Washington-John Quincy Adams trend, in which we saw ourselves as the shining city on the hill. We believed democracy was the way to go. We were an example of man's ability to live in peace and harmony with his fellow man. If others wanted to adopt our system, fine. But, as John Quincy Adams put it, we go not in search of monsters to destroy. We're the well-wishers of all who seek freedom and liberty. We're the guarantors only of our own.

"The second trend began with Woodrow Wilson, who found the Washington-Adams foundation too constraining and believed we needed to be evangelizers of democracy. There's been a debate ever since about whether we accept countries as they are and work with them, or try to turn them into democracies.

"The third takes place after 9/11 with the Iraq War. It constitutes of an emendation of the Wilsonian ideal. It's now our goal or our mission to spread democracy, if necessary even by force. The Europeans, on the other hand, possibly from their experiences with colonialism, are much more modest in what to do."

America's original attitude toward democracy and the world was what made the nation popular in the world. Other states emulated us if they wished to and that was fine, that is what this sort of democratic freedom is about. With the Wilsonian ideal came the beginning of the nation's descent into what it has become today. George Bush II and the clique behind him brought the true downfall caused by the new American arrogance. The USA could not contain its newfound superpower status, it had to exert it on others. She sought revenge for what she considered previous affronts to her all powerful image when she could, most notably in Iraq and Libya as well as elsewhere on a smaller scale.

As Scowcroft and Zbigniew Brzezinski say in the 2008 book "America and the World," a world power is in its decline when it has to repeatedly declare its supremacy to the world, as exhibited by America's current GOP candidates in all their talk of "American exceptionalism."

The US is no longer elevated so far above the rest of the world in terms of economic and military power with the rise of China and the Asian powers. America is losing its grip, mainly through its own arrogance and preoccupation with its own power. Osama bin Laden was well acquainted with the meaning of Sun Tzu's lesson in dealing with an enemy: "The best strategy in dealing with an opponent is to let him defeat himself." Since 9/11, America has done exactly that. In the name of "national security," liberty after liberty has been repealed (e.g. the Patriot Act, the TSA, etc.).

And the US is trying to shove this insanity it still calls "freedom" down the throats of the entire rest of the world from China to Iraq and it wonders why it perceives so many "problems" in the world. If the whole rest of the world  doesn't look like you no matter how much you try to remold it in your image of course you're going to see problems everywhere, you will make enemies of everyone, it will cost you trillions and in the end you will have nothing and be broken. Look at the United States now, does it not resemble a broken power that increasing has less and less?

Brzezinski calls much of the world "useless eaters" and says things like "it is easier today to kill a million people than to control them." In all appearance, Scowcroft agrees with Brzezinski's every word. They both laugh about the general ignorance of the American population as to world affairs. With attitudes and ideas like this among those who have dominated foreign relations for decades is it any wonder that American foreign policy is in shambles?

Evidence Obama is losing his mind


Mr Obama attempts to celebrate Hanukkah, but starts it on the wrong day. Why attempt to celebrate the tradition of a religion that is not your own if you're going to completely disregard that tradition, essentially making it into something else that it was never intended to be? Have you ever seen a Muslim celebrate Easter, let alone celebrate it on the wrong day? Have you seen a Hindu with a Christmas tree?

Mr Obama has claimed to be Muslim and Christian, but I have never before seen him claim to be Jewish. Is he simply trying to make a backwards statement to a rich and powerful Jewish cabal, saying in essence, "I am one of you," or is he even thinking at all? Following is a list of statements this president has made that put him in league with George W Bush for lack of presence of mind.

We know Mr Obama drinks, smokes (though smoking is not known to cause such mental lapses), and is sleep deprived. But is the combination of these factors, along with the intoxication of political power, enough to make someone so lose their bearings and sense of reality as is presently and continuously exhibited by Mr Obama?

He often does not know where he is, even what country he is in, he forgets what religion he professes to be part of, forgets (or doesn't know) simple and obvious things about history, cannot read plain and simple English (as when he pronounced corpsman "corpse-man"), and et cetera. Is the man under so much mental strain that he can no longer perform such simple tasks as these? What does this say as to his ability to carry out tasks of much greater responsibility, tasks that he must engage with on a daily basis as POTUS? This would lead any rational person to ask whether or not Mr Obama is actually fit for the job.

Mr Obama prances around with a cocksure attitude, convinced of his own dubious charm and unconcerned whether others buy into the imagined world of idealism in which he immerses himself. No matter where he is, Mr Obama conducts himself with the attitude of a little kid in a candy store, uncaring and blissfully unaware of anyone but himself. This is the essence of a man whose soul has been consumed by delusions of grandeur, by the potentially all-corrupting power of the office of US president. Bigger men in the past have been able to handle it, or at least feign the humility that would imply they were able to handle it. But Mr Obama exhibits no such restraint or self control.

The unfortunate thing is that he is as dead to the world as the world is dead to him. This is his tragedy and this is why all that he does registers with such a false note. He has no control over the actions his government takes. Case in point, Mr Obama was as unable to stop the United States from going into Libya as he was to shut down Guantanamo Bay or as he was to end the wars when he came into office. Impotence is his biggest problem and yet he carries on as though he were all powerful, all the while forgetting what continent he's on, what religion he claims to belong to or even some basic truths about capitalism and democracy. He's nothing more than simply another George Bush II. A man with mental problems who became president.

Here's the evidence of his loss of coherence:"When I meet with world leaders, what's striking -- whether it's in Europe or here in Asia..." -mistakenly referring to Hawaii as Asia while holding a press conference outside Honolulu, Nov. 16, 2011

 "We're the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad." —Cincinnati, OH, Sept. 22, 2011

 "We're not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that's fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you've made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you're providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy." —on Wall Street reform, Quincy, Ill., April 29, 2010

 "One such translator was an American of Haitian descent, representative of the extraordinary work that our men and women in uniform do all around the world -- Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard." –mispronouncing "Corpsman" (the "ps" is silent) during a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., Feb. 5, 2010 (The Corpsman's name is also Christopher, not Christian)

 "The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries." --Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010 

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." –attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009

 "The Cambridge police acted stupidly." —commenting on a white police officer's arrest of black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. at his home in Cambridge, Mass., at a news conference, July 22, 2009

 "The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system." --in remarks after a health care roundtable with physicians, nurses and health care providers, Washington, D.C., July 20, 2009

 "It was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of -- I don't know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing." --confusing German for "Austrian," a language which does not exist, Strasbourg, France, April 6, 2009

 "No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something." --making an off-hand joke during an appearance on "The Tonight Show", March 19, 2009 (Obama later called the head of the Special Olympics to apologize)

 "I didn't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any seances." --after saying he had spoken with all the living presidents as he prepared to take office, Washington, D.C., Nov. 7, 2008 (Obama later called Nancy Reagan to apologize)

 "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." -- defending his tax plan to Joe the Plumber, who argued that Obama's policy hurts small-business owners like himself, Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 12, 2008

 "What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith..." --in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who jumped in to correct Obama by saying "your Christian faith," which Obama quickly clarified (Watch video clip)

 "I'm here with the Girardo family here in St. Louis." --speaking via satellite to the Democratic National Convention, while in Kansas City, Missouri, Aug. 25, 2008

 "Let me introduce to you the next President -- the next Vice President of the United States of America, Joe Biden." --slipping up while introducing Joe Biden at their first joint campaign rally, Springfield, Illinois, Aug. 23, 2008

 "Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee -- which is my committee -- a bill to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don't obtain a nuclear weapon." --referring to a committee he is not on, Sderot, Israel, July 23, 2008

 "Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under a McCain...administration. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change." --Amman, Jordan, July 22, 2008

 "How's it going, Sunshine?" --campaigning in Sunrise, Florida"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.""Hold on one second, sweetie, we're going to do -- we'll do a press avail." --to a female reporter for ABC's Detroit affiliate who asked about his plan to help American autoworkers (Watch video clip)

 "I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." --at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon (Watch video clip)

 "Why can't I just eat my waffle?" --after being asked a foreign policy question by a reporter while visiting a diner in Pennsylvania

 "It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." --explaining his troubles winning over some working-class voters

 "The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know, you know, there's a reaction that's been bred in our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that's just the nature of race in our society." 

"Come on! I just answered, like, eight questions." --exasperated by reporters after a news conference 

"You're likeable enough, Hillary." --during a Democratic debate

 "In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy inKansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on aKansas tornado that killed 12 people


Friday, December 9, 2011

Iran displays downed US spy drone

Iran released footage of the recovered US spy drone, believed to be lost during a CIA spy mission over Iran. The reaction in the US has been minimal, the official US government reaction - nothing at all. The drone was shown in an undisclosed location and it appeared to be well intact.

The Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel is believed to be capable of speeds of up to 500-600 mph and is solely a reconnaissance drone as it is not equipped with missiles or bombs as are the MQ-1 and MQ-9 Predator drones.

A US official speaking on the condition of anonymity to Reuters said he believed the Iranians could not determine anything about the mission the aircraft was flying when the brought it down, but he did not say why he thought that.

What is clear is that China and Russia could effectively reverse engineer the aircraft and utilize the developments in stealth technology as well as in infrared sensor and camera technology, technology both countries have been unable to develop to this degree on their own.

According to Newsweek, the Obama administration would not consider bombing the recovered plane or sending in the military to recover or destroy the plane because that would be "an act of war."

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

RQ-170 stealth drone downed in Iran

"The Beast of Kandahar"

Iran claims to have in its possession an RQ-170 Sentinel drone, a drone of the stealth variety made by Lockheed Martin. According to an unnamed US official it was flying a CIA mission. Iran claims to have brought it down near its eastern border.

According to the LA Times, the Sentinel has the capability to "sniff out" nuclear weapons, "listen in" on cell phone communications and has highly developed sensor and camera technology. Along with this, it is apparently coated in a material that absorbs radar thus rendering it invisible to radar.

Clearly, this stealth technology was all for naught when the "Beast of Kandahar" was brought down in Iran last week. Author Peter W Singer ("Wired for War") said, "It carries a variety of systems that wouldn't be much of a benefit to Iran, but to its allies such as China and Russia, it's a potential gold mine."

Others have said it is not so dangerous for the US as American stealth technology has been in the hands of Russia and China for years and there is nothing recoverable on this aircraft that would be truly groundbreaking for Iran or her allies.

The RQ-170 is a generation ahead of the MQ-1 and MQ-9 Predator drones that are merely propeller powered aircraft, and is widely believed to have a host of classified technology not present on the older drones. The CIA, Pentagon, White House and congressional intelligence oversight committee refused to comment on the incident.

The LA Times reported that the drone is programmed to self-destruct if necessary to save classified technology from falling into enemy hands, but according to Iranian officials the wreckage is mostly intact and the plane did not self-destruct as Iran claims it hacked into the aircraft's controls and took it over. Of course, we may never know the truth of the incident.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why Occupy Wall Street truly scares Wall Street

Obama is playing on both sides of the fence as usual.

One of the first things Mr Obama did when starting his campaign for the 2008 election was make a trip to Wall Street to ensure the backing of the major players there. Like anyone with half a brain, he realizes where the true power in the United States and the world emanates from and he knew he needed their blessing to succeed and he still does.

After taking office in 2008, Mr Obama was quick to prop up certain failing Wall Street entities such as AIG with billions in taxpayer dollars. Other non-Wall Street based firms were propped up at a price, the price of government control. This happened with big companies such as GMAC in Detroit. As Mr Obama oversaw (doubtless he was not really in control) the transformation of the United States into a Marxist-Socialist-style government (with major industries now directly and firmly in government hands), he also watched the national debt rise at an unprecedented rate by several trillion dollars between the collapse of 2008 and now.

Mr Obama knows as well as any astute observer that while the national debt is a tremendous burden to the multitude who never agreed to enter into this debt in the first place it is a glorious gift of epic proportion to the few who loan the money at interest to the United States. Namely, the Wall Street bankers who have major stakes in the Federal Reserve System and control the money flow in the United States by printing more at any given time, thus controlling inflation and interest levels through the massively over powerful central bank of the nation.

Mr Obama knows that by raising taxes to pay off the national debt he is making the handful of powerful people who got him elected increasingly and astronomically richer. He knows that if this does not work (which he and the nation's debtors prefer as witnessed by the recent stalemate of the so-called "super-committee") and the debt merely increases, the interest to be paid on the debt is ever increasing and for those who receive that interest - it is billions of dollars created out of thin air. This is the definition of "usury" - a word that has all but disappeared out of the English language in modern times.

Thus Mr Obama dances around on either side of the fence, truly not caring a toss what happens, and is smiling through and through regardless of the outcome, as are his backers who truly control him and global politics and the global economy. Money is the name of this game and Obama exploits it well. Ever wonder why a candidate like Ron Paul is given so little attention in the major media? Naturally, the media is controlled by the moneyed-interests in the financial centers and they don't favor a man like Ron Paul who publishes books attacking the Federal Reserve System (one entitled, "End the Fed") and supports a full audit of the Federal Reserve - the central bank  is not even really a branch of the Federal government. Truly, the Federal Reserve is an undiluted scam, and if the American people actually understood its inner workings, in the words of Henry Ford, there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

With the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 the American government truly lost its freedom and was from then on under the control of Wall Street. Even the likes of FDR admitted as much. The Fed was created ostensibly to end the rocky market place and the string of financial panics that happened at the turn of the last century. But things got even worse after it came into existence. On its watch, the crash of '29 soon happened and the following Great Depression, as well as more recently the collapse of 2008 and this depression we are now in, following that collapse. After this most recent economic tragedy the national debt, as previously mentioned, increased greatly. And with it, the exponential profit of the few behind the central bank, those shadowy Wall Street bankers who are never seen in the eye of the media and never heard from.

The true target of the Occupy Wall Street movement is these few who control the reigns of global finance from their secret ivory towers, they who pull the puppet strings on the marionette Mr Obama, these few who operate on an international level outside of any nations law or scrutiny. Occupy Wall Street is shining a light in their direction and these wealthy plutocrats are deflecting the light as well as they can and using the media to discredit the protesters by any possible means. The news media picks out the least intelligent people willing to talk among the movement and interviews them and then calls the movement unfocused and essentially stupid.

America became free because a few men stood up against a tyrannical system who was using finance to dominate and beat into subservience a set a colonies from afar, only to, in the space of just over two centuries, become once again dominated by these shadowy financial elements, this hidden elite. Now the tide is turning again and these hidden powers and their corrupt financial game will finally come into the light.

Ron Paul gains momentum

Ron Paul's strength in Iowa garners uncommonly positive headlines for the candidate:

"Ron Paul is for real in Iowa. Seriously." (Washington Post)

"Niche Voters Giving Paul Momentum in Iowa Polls" (New York Times)

"Ron Paul's 19 percent in Iowa may indicate a path to the nomination" (Daily Caller)

"GOP outsider gaining traction in Iowa" (Associated Press)

"Ron Paul And Libertarians Can't Be Discounted" (Forbes)

Ron Paul came in second with 19 percent behind Herman Cain who had 20 percent in a Bloomberg News poll last week, ahead of both Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.

According to Bloomberg News, among caucus-goers whose minds are made up Ron Paul leads with 32 percent, followed by Mitt Romney with 25 percent, and Newt Gingrich at 17 percent.

Now that Mr Paul is getting perhaps a bit more favorable coverage in the major media venues, things could pick up from here, even snowball. Voters tend to choose Mr Paul when they learn a little about him, specifically about his consistency and his strong anti-Federal Reserve, anti-big government views.

Herman Cain, while still strong in the polls, is looking more and more like a flash in the pan as allegations of past sexual misconduct come to light and especially as more is known of his alarming lack of awareness in matters of foreign policy, the aspect of the presidency in which perhaps the president has the most control.

Mr Paul has shown himself adept in everything from his grasp of economics and the Federal Reserve System  to international affairs and foreign policy. Issues on which he is very outspoken and not at all wishy-washy about.

All-in-all, this latest shift in media focus may prove to be the turning point in his campaign, the crest he rides to the White House. Perhaps it is time for Mr Paul to stop being a mere footnote in reports covering the race and for news media in general to consider him a serious contender.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Herman Cain another Sarah Palin (i.e. a political joke)?

Herman Cain in a rare Morgan Freeman pose...

Yes, clearly he wants to be president. He has a knack for displaying what he believes to be "common sense." He's charming. He was successful in business (as head of a large pizza chain). But does he have a clue about what the job of POTUS (President of the United States) entails? Apparently not.

Much of what the president does is dealing in foreign policy. Mr Obama had limited experience regarding foreign policy on coming into office in 2008. Mr Cain has none at all. He stumbled badly over a question about what he thinks of the Libya situation last week. Clearly he had given the matter no thought at all. Absolutely ZERO. For a man who wants to be president, where's the common sense in this? A week before that Mr Cain commented that he believed "China is trying to get nuclear capability." Actually, Mr Cain, China has had nuclear capability since 1964. Mr Cain, where have you been? Do you give a toss about the world and what goes on in it? Seemingly, whether China has nuclear technology or what goes on in Libya is unnecessary information to a president of the world's largest economy and most capable military power according to Mr Cain's "common sense."

Once the top tier GOP candidate, Mr Cain has shown to have a level of wisdom and knowledge akin to that of Sarah Palin when she was on the GOP ticket for vice-president. Sarah Palin showed her prowess on her knowledge of the world when she told reporters she thought Africa was a country and could not name the countries in the North American continent. Mr Cain, you showed promise early on, but now we see your true colors; you have not the awareness of the world around you possessed even by many seventh graders. What makes you think you can be president?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Berlusconi follows his masters' script

Silvio Berlusconi, as he indicates in the above photo, is a member of the group of financial titans that controls world politics. Whether you call it a part of the Freemasons, the Illuminati or the New World Order, it does not matter. His final economic reforms before stepping down are further indication of this; a kind of nod to the men who pull his strings, a nod to the men who helped him build his multi-billion euro fortune.

It doesn't matter who comes into power next, Mr Berlusconi will still be very much at the helm with his massive media and party control over Italy and his extensive, though hidden international support. Sicilian and former justice minister Angelo Alfano, his would-be successor, would be simply the Italian version of the Dmitry Medvedev-Vladimir Putin example in Russia. Mr Berlusconi's apparent "stepping down" is merely a show to pave the way for a future incarnation in his now former role as head of state in Italy and in reality he hasn't left the steering wheel of power in Rome whatsoever.

Inevitably, Mr Berlusconi's next dance step, in this two-step production, will be to retire "humbly" and pretend at remorse and regret, before taking the second step of coming back into power, by running a campaign based on heavy advertising and fake popularity polls as he has done so successfully in the past. The era of false democracy backed by the financial centers and the secret cabal that owns them is far from over. If you think I'm wrong about Mr Berlusconi's next moves, just watch what he does. His life and politics are more predictable than a Disney cartoon.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Qaddafi / Gaddafi killed, dying & dead body videos & pictures

and pics...

Now that Gaddafi is gone, may Libya find peace and its citizens breath a sigh of relief. May they form a government founded on the principles of freedom, a true republic that will ensure their freedom for generations to come. May the wealth brought by the country's vast national resources be spread among the people to allow them a greater quality of life. May they be the "true democracy" that Gaddafi claimed they were, whilst in reality he knew nothing of the meaning of the word.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Yeti's live in Siberia - proof

A Siberian coal mining region Kemerovo said on its website the footprints and hair of yetis were found on an expedition to the remotest mountains in the region.

"During the expedition to the Azasskaya cave, conference participants gathered indisputable proof that the Shoria mountains are inhabited by the 'Snow Man'," the Kemerovo region administration claimed.

"They found his footprints, his supposed bed, and various markers with which the yeti marks his territory," the statement continued.

Researchers from around the world were invited to discuss evidence of the creature as well as encounters.

Yetis are generally considered to be mythological white upright walking creatures, somewhat like apes, but more intelligent and are thought by those who believe in them to mainly be found in the Himalaya mountain range.

The evidence will be turned into special laboratory, it has been stated.

Some believe Russia's remoter mountain regions hold what they call "Snowmen."

This remote mostly industrial region of Russia has been trying to attract tourism for years. Is this a hoax to get people to visit? Or, even better, is it yet another Vladimir Putin scheme to induce fear and attract attention worldwide?

We may never know.


Occupy Wall Street gone global

Alex Jones: “Focus should instead be on the real source of power for the out-of-control bankster class- the private, unaccountable Federal Reserve bank that creates money out of thin air, issues secret loans to insiders and foreign governments and systematically institutes debt on the American people through their undue powers.”

Republican candidate Herman Cain said this, "The proof is quite simply the bankers and the people on Wall Street didn't write these failed policies of the Obama administration. They didn't spend a trillion dollars that didn't work. The administration and the Democrats spent a trillion dollars," Cain said. Citing the president's new jobs bill, Cain added that the "administration is proposing another $450 billion wrapped in different rhetoric. So it's a distraction, so many people won't focus on the failed policies of this administration."

Cain is merely trying to politicize the unrest and claim them for his own, when it is clear for all to see by his statement he really doesn't understand what is going on (that is if he genuinely believes his own statement - in all likelihood he does not).

He also said, "We know that the unions and certain union-related organizations have been behind these protests that have gone on." Is he unaware that the movement has spread to several other countries? All the way to Honk Kong? It's hard to make the claim the unions are behind the protests in other countries. Come on, Herman, what kind of crack are you smoking these days? It must be something good....

Nancy Pelosi says she supports "the message to the establishment, whether it's Wall Street or the political establishment and the rest, that change has to happen." I'm sorry, Nancy, but the movement is against you too. You who are at the heart of the establishment. Why are the politicians trying to side with the movement when so clearly it is aimed at them? Because they see that the numbers are growing, the coverage of the event is growing, the movement is growing, its force and power are becoming undeniable.

Those in control of the banks Obama propped up as well as the executives of the car companies Obama backed are the real problem in this country, as is Obama himself. It is un-American for the government to rescue a failed business or several of them, to make them government owned companies. This is not the Soviet Union, this is not China, but I seriously doubt Obama sees any difference between the three.

The movement is also against the wars, which are increasingly expanded and protracted under the Obama administration. They are increasingly violent, killing civilians, women and children, with their drone strikes in countries other than Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya where we have wars the government refuses to acknowledge even though it is blatantly obvious that they exist. Why the need for secrecy about the existence of operations in certain countries? Surely it cannot put the United States at risk merely to say they are occupying a certain country, not to discuss what specifically they are doing there (though some accountability would be nice), but just to say they are there. The only reason to not admit to being in a country is because it is illegal; in defiance of the Geneva Conventions. Classification to conceal criminality.

Lastly, of the protests on Wall Street, Joseph Knippenberg said:

"I have no doubt that God is with the folks near Wall Street, but I doubt they've recognized Him yet."


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bank of America wants your $5

Bank of America is a deeply troubled bank and it is taking its problems out on the poor. The $5 a month fee on debit cards is an all too obvious clue. Bank of America's problem is it takes its customers for granted, assuming they will always be there. What Bank of America customers need to do now (and what Citibank customers and those who use banks implementing the same ill-judged charges need to do) is withdraw their money and close their accounts, taking their business elsewhere. This will shut these ill-willed corporations down for good and show future banks and corporations that Americans will not tolerate this kind of abuse. Banks used to get this money in other ways, by placing fees on transactions, until Congress made a law reducing these charges (the Durban amendment of the Dodd-Frank Act pushing down what banks can charge merchants for transactions from 44c to 24c). Now they are punishing the public for past abusive practices the government has stopped them from doing.

Bank of America has been calling its customers and telling them they will begin charging $15 a month for having a checking account with them, when the customers refuse saying they will take their money elsewhere, Bank of America says OK, we'll only charge you $9 a month. On a second refusal they agree to keep the charge at $0. Shortly after this embarrassment, the bank decided to roll out the ATM fee. What is the CEO of Bank of America thinking? What are any of the heads of the company thinking coming up with this approach? Clearly, they're not.

Forbes said this:

As we wrote in a previous piece, back in the mid of the subprime crisis, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) committed two strategic mistakes that end up costing the bank dearly: the purchase of Countrywide Financial and the purchase of Merrill Lynch.

Last week, the bank committed a third strategic mistake, announcing a $5 monthly fee for its debit cardholders. While this fee is a way for the bank to offset the loss of revenues caused by the Durbin Amendment of Dodd-Frank Act (a reduction in the fee banks can charge merchants from 44 cents to 24 cents per transaction), it may end up hurting the bank in the long run.

Rushing to improve its top line, BAC’s leadership commits a common mistake large corporations make: taking the customer for granted, holding the belief that whatever products or services they offer are unique and indispensible, so their customers will always be there.

While this theory applied in the old days when corporations were the center of the economic universe and customers had limited options, it doesn’t apply in today’s markets where customers have a variety of options. For example, McDonald’s (NYSE:MCD), Research in Motion (NASDAQ:RIMM), Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO), Hewlett-Packard (NYSE:HPQ), and Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) that have made such a mistake in the past suffered the consequences; their top and bottom lines contracted, as consumers fled to competitors; and their stock headed south.

We do believe that the same fate awaits Bank of America, as its customers have a variety of options: First, they can appeal to US Congress to repeal the fee, as the Dodd-Frank regulation wasn’t intended to sting debit card holders with this fee, but to make banks and merchants efficient.

Second, they can cut the card and send it back to Bank of America, moving their money elsewhere. Third, with interest rates so low, they can stay away form banks altogether. Forth, they can switch into alternatives—special purpose—debit cards like the ones issued by non-banking institutions.

The bottom line: The debit card fee may boost Bank of America’s top line in the short-run, but it may cost dearly in the long-run, as customers will flee to competitors or cut their debit cards altogether.

Citibank started charing $15 a month for people with accounts under $6000. This is a huge punishment to the people who make them what they are. Naturally, everyone with accounts at Citibank need to leave it for the good of the country. With interest rates as low as they currently are people are better off sticking the money in their mattresses.

Perhaps it would be wisest for Americans to make their reliance on Wall Street a thing of the past, for them to get out of the large corporate banking systems they belong to and end this corporate raiding of the little guy (and gal) once and forever. How do you convince the people? Simply by making them aware of it. And bloggers like myself don't have to worry about spreading awareness; the fact that Bank of America is doing something as stupid as a $5 ATM card charge will spread the news quickly enough. We are in a rapidly changing world and those in the top 1% of wealth will not be their for long. They know they need the support of the masses, but appear not to realize how quickly knowledge of their increasingly deceptive ways is spreading like wildfire (the reason the Wall Street protests across the country are stifled by mainstream media? Obviously).