Sunday, June 26, 2011

Obama's Libya grows corrosive

Speaker Boehner criticizing the Obama administration

The big Boehner took a stand against American involvement in the Libyan civil war and criticized Obama for ignoring the 1973 War Powers Resolution, which grants the executive branch 60 days to seek congressional approval for military operations.

On Friday, congress vetoed the president's attempt to get congress on board with an extension of the military operation in Libya by a year as American's are growing increasingly weary with the long drawn out conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Both Republicans and Democrats voted against the extension in a vote of 295-123, with 70 Democrats abandoning the president.

The house, frustrated with Obama, voted earlier this month to rebuke Obama for failing to find a "compelling rationale" for the Libya incursion.

Opinion time.

The Libyan civil war has received far less coverage in the news media than did Iraq or Afghanistan. This could be in good part be due to the fact that the media is predominantly liberal and supports the president, but this also, and more likely, is because the American people are simply tired of hearing about prolonged, useless, ineffectual wars overseas, and particularly in Africa and the Middle East--and therefore it has become bad copy.

The president himself was initially hesitant to get involved and he did everything to draw attention away from the military operations there, including visiting Brazil to arrange an oil deal the day the offensive began. In speaking on the event of Osama bin Laden's death and for some time after when the president saw a small rise in the polls he avoided discussion of the Libyan situation, merely making abstract references to it at best. It is fair to say, Obama is the president of allusions, abstractions and general overall misty vagueness.

Perhaps by some he will be remembered as Obama the Abstract. Or perhaps that moniker, like the president himself, is just too damn abstract.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weiner's penis shot - genitals X-rated

Here it is, small isn't it:

All it took to prompt resignation. Amazing. The man with the mind of 14-year-old resigns from the House after a 20-year career in politics. His penis went viral, the penis picture went viral, his career went viral and that's all folks, the Weiner resigned. The man will be the butt (and penis) of political jokes for decades to come, perhaps even millennia. Imagine reading about him in the history books. Children will laugh at the times we live in and what goes on in them.

It seems surreal already. Weiner set out to make history with his political career no doubt, and now he has. Congratulations, Weiner, you've succeeded perhaps beyond your wildest dreams. But at least you haven't left a track record of international devastation like a few recent politicians have. All you've left are a track record of your votes and some pictures of your small penis. Well done, sir. Incredible even. There you have it, folks, the Weiner legacy in full (or should one say in full view or...full frontal).


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weiner's gymnasium self-portraits, "the lewd pictures"

And here we go:

Let's see another one, Weiner:

And close on the face for verification:

Now, let's see the tears these pictures have caused:

And again:

I don't see any actual tears, no streaks of water or mascara - do you?

With all the Democratic party crying out for a resignation and many Republicans, too, what's a Weiner to do? I'd resign, wouldn't you?

How do these pinheads get into politics?


Thursday, June 9, 2011

More "leaked" Roswell UFO footage

This is clearly fake but still an interesting job:

As we pointed out in the our prior blog on the Roswell alien survivor footage that was released a month ago ( this was clearly faked as well and for the same reasons - the dubious time code at the bottom, the fake sound of film passing through sprocket holes (grossly exaggerated), and etc.

But apart from those factors this one, though simpler, is harder to disprove because there is really less to analyze. In the first "leaked" video we had the fake movements, CGI blinks, etc, but now we have just a still, apparently lifeless alien body in a field and a flying ship that looks not unlike other faked photos and CGI created ships from the past.

This is not to discredit the Roswell crash of 1947. It is very likely that something did occur there. Whether whatever was recovered had extraterrestrial origins, we may never know, but we are not saying this is impossible. All we are saying is that is not what we are seeing here for obvious reasons.

You be the judge. Does anyone out there think this is real?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rep. Weiner has congressional phone sex

Rep. Weiner uses government phones for sex chat.

So, the Weiner broke down and cried, admitted to lying, but said nothing he did was illegal and therefore he would not resign. Using government phones for duplicitous sex conversations with a Vegas blackjack dealer may not be illegal - but is it ethical? And does it not infringe on the House code of ethics that states a congressman may do nothing that reflects poorly on the House. It states clearly: "[a congressman must] behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House".

Mr. Weiner, when will you stop lying? Are you going to continue this charade, digging yourself in deeper and deeper? Or are you just going to throw in the towel like you should and resign? How much more embarrassing for yourself and the House does this have to get?

He also had sexual conversations (if not more) with porn star Ginger Lee and six women over the last three years, according to what he said. Can this be trusted? Unlikely. He says his marriage will not break up over this. This we shall also see. For the record, he also apparently called himself "the caped crusader" and said he was looking for a "sidekick" during his sex chats with the blackjack dealer.

Who's the "jackass" now Weiner?


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Rihanna, Satan and Obama (Illuminati)

Rihanna (in Man Down) repeats the line: "Pull the trigger, pull the trigger..."

She also repeats the line: "End a nigga, end a nigga..." and "I'm a criminal, criminal, criminal..."

She smiles about the killing throughout the video. We see red lights behind her in a club setting. Her hair is still that infernal red color. She kills a man in a third world country where she has more chance of escaping any form of punishment for the killing. For all to see, this video glorifies murder, the underworld, vindicating negative emotions.

At one point in the lyrics she asks forgiveness from the "Lord" but to which "Lord" is she referring? Does her god like the glorification of killing, of vengeance, of murder, and of escaping justice? What god glories in the promotion of red lights at night, red hair, fleeing and laughing about it...?

What is the pop star Rihanna promoting here? Is this empowerment of women, vigilante justice? Or is it something darker and far more sinister? It is indeed.

Recall her lyrics in an earlier Jay Z song: "Feel it coming in the air/And the screams from everywhere/I'm addicted to the thrill/It's a dangerous love affair..." A previous ode to Lucifer and all that is Satanic, perhaps more subtle than Beyonce's open affair with the devil, but no less effective. Remember, it's the corruption of the moral fabricate of the society we live in that is really at stake here.

And to show the murder and the results without doing it anymore tastefully by merely implying it, clearly the intent here was to glorify.

Rihanna takes a place next to Beyonce and Obama in her public glorification of what is evil (all this violence and killing and sacrifice of ones soul for fame and fortune in this world) and her clear wish for her audience to imitate. With little doubt, it may just inspire a few.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rep. Anthony Weiner shows his weiner

"I can't say with certitude [that the photo isn't me]"

So, Rep. Weiner takes pictures of his weaner that somehow get stolen and sent via his Twitter account to a college co-ed in Seattle. He then claims he was hacked and has "a lawyer" looking into it, and on another occasion that lawyer balloons into "a private security firm."

Mr. Weiner, you expect us to believe this tripe? And you expect us to believe you put more thought into budget cuts than you do into taking pictures of your wang. You might want to take more care in who you send them to and how they get there next time (if photographing your wang is a must) think? Mr. Weiner, why propagate a lie, sir? Who would want to break into your Twitter account? So, you won a contest and became a congressman. Who cares? I never heard of you till you admitted to having taken some pics of your johnson and the story went viral.

Ok, Weiner - why not just admit to it? So, you took a picture of your shlong and sent it to a college age girl. Hell, it'd probably make you an American hero, a celebrity sensation overnight - even more so than you are now becoming if you'd just be honest about it. You could probably get elected president for it - because, let's face it, presidents these days are elected for less.


Obama golfs away Memorial Day

Obama paid respect by putting a wreath at the Tomb of Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery.

But then he...

...went for several rounds of golf at Fort Belvoir. It was not even reported in the liberal American news media, but only discussed briefly in a blog by veteran White House correspondent Keith Koffler:

The business of memorializing our war dead done, President Obama headed out to the Fort Belvoir golf course today, finding his way onto the links for the ninth weekend in a row.
Obama earlier today laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and met with families of those killed in battle. But he emerged from the day’s solemnity to go golfing for the 12th time this year and the 70th time of his presidency.
The decision to golf on Memorial Day invites comparison with President George W. Bush, who gave up the game early in his presidency and said he did it out of respect for the families of those killed in Iraq.
What possessed the president? Sheer nonchalance in regards to the wars and the soldiers there involved and those who died for their country (or some oil barons or, more likely, a combination of both)? Does he care? Does he even care about politics, doing something so reminiscent of his predecessor whom he openly condemns time and time again? Now, does he think, since he has performed a summary execution of bin Laden that the next presidential term is locked in for him? Is he now, in his mind, so sheerly above it all that he has lost his mind, his concept of reality, and his place in the world? Does he truly think he is the new master of the universe? The greatest man in history? The 21st century's edition of Abraham Lincoln, to whom he so coyly compared himself in his 2008 election victory speech?

No, he is a community organizer on steroids, a renegade against the person he promised to be in his first presidential campaign, an establishment puppet, an establishment pawn. It is clear for all to see, Mr. Obama has compromised his soul in succumbing to what Henry Kissinger called the greatest aphrodisiac of all - power.
