Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rep. Weiner has congressional phone sex

Rep. Weiner uses government phones for sex chat.

So, the Weiner broke down and cried, admitted to lying, but said nothing he did was illegal and therefore he would not resign. Using government phones for duplicitous sex conversations with a Vegas blackjack dealer may not be illegal - but is it ethical? And does it not infringe on the House code of ethics that states a congressman may do nothing that reflects poorly on the House. It states clearly: "[a congressman must] behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House".

Mr. Weiner, when will you stop lying? Are you going to continue this charade, digging yourself in deeper and deeper? Or are you just going to throw in the towel like you should and resign? How much more embarrassing for yourself and the House does this have to get?

He also had sexual conversations (if not more) with porn star Ginger Lee and six women over the last three years, according to what he said. Can this be trusted? Unlikely. He says his marriage will not break up over this. This we shall also see. For the record, he also apparently called himself "the caped crusader" and said he was looking for a "sidekick" during his sex chats with the blackjack dealer.

Who's the "jackass" now Weiner?


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