Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weiner's penis shot - genitals X-rated

Here it is, small isn't it:

All it took to prompt resignation. Amazing. The man with the mind of 14-year-old resigns from the House after a 20-year career in politics. His penis went viral, the penis picture went viral, his career went viral and that's all folks, the Weiner resigned. The man will be the butt (and penis) of political jokes for decades to come, perhaps even millennia. Imagine reading about him in the history books. Children will laugh at the times we live in and what goes on in them.

It seems surreal already. Weiner set out to make history with his political career no doubt, and now he has. Congratulations, Weiner, you've succeeded perhaps beyond your wildest dreams. But at least you haven't left a track record of international devastation like a few recent politicians have. All you've left are a track record of your votes and some pictures of your small penis. Well done, sir. Incredible even. There you have it, folks, the Weiner legacy in full (or should one say in full view or...full frontal).


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