Sunday, June 5, 2011

Rihanna, Satan and Obama (Illuminati)

Rihanna (in Man Down) repeats the line: "Pull the trigger, pull the trigger..."

She also repeats the line: "End a nigga, end a nigga..." and "I'm a criminal, criminal, criminal..."

She smiles about the killing throughout the video. We see red lights behind her in a club setting. Her hair is still that infernal red color. She kills a man in a third world country where she has more chance of escaping any form of punishment for the killing. For all to see, this video glorifies murder, the underworld, vindicating negative emotions.

At one point in the lyrics she asks forgiveness from the "Lord" but to which "Lord" is she referring? Does her god like the glorification of killing, of vengeance, of murder, and of escaping justice? What god glories in the promotion of red lights at night, red hair, fleeing and laughing about it...?

What is the pop star Rihanna promoting here? Is this empowerment of women, vigilante justice? Or is it something darker and far more sinister? It is indeed.

Recall her lyrics in an earlier Jay Z song: "Feel it coming in the air/And the screams from everywhere/I'm addicted to the thrill/It's a dangerous love affair..." A previous ode to Lucifer and all that is Satanic, perhaps more subtle than Beyonce's open affair with the devil, but no less effective. Remember, it's the corruption of the moral fabricate of the society we live in that is really at stake here.

And to show the murder and the results without doing it anymore tastefully by merely implying it, clearly the intent here was to glorify.

Rihanna takes a place next to Beyonce and Obama in her public glorification of what is evil (all this violence and killing and sacrifice of ones soul for fame and fortune in this world) and her clear wish for her audience to imitate. With little doubt, it may just inspire a few.

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