Thursday, June 9, 2011

More "leaked" Roswell UFO footage

This is clearly fake but still an interesting job:

As we pointed out in the our prior blog on the Roswell alien survivor footage that was released a month ago ( this was clearly faked as well and for the same reasons - the dubious time code at the bottom, the fake sound of film passing through sprocket holes (grossly exaggerated), and etc.

But apart from those factors this one, though simpler, is harder to disprove because there is really less to analyze. In the first "leaked" video we had the fake movements, CGI blinks, etc, but now we have just a still, apparently lifeless alien body in a field and a flying ship that looks not unlike other faked photos and CGI created ships from the past.

This is not to discredit the Roswell crash of 1947. It is very likely that something did occur there. Whether whatever was recovered had extraterrestrial origins, we may never know, but we are not saying this is impossible. All we are saying is that is not what we are seeing here for obvious reasons.

You be the judge. Does anyone out there think this is real?

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