Sunday, January 22, 2012

Iran goes to war on Barbie dolls

From the Washington Times (January 21, 2012):

"Iran is under siege and it’s not going to take it anymore. First, it was Stuxnet, the computer virus worm, then the assassination of its top scientists, and then it was sanctions. And now it’s Barbie, that spawn of the Great Satan."

Iran's morality police are now going to shut down any shop that carries Barbie dolls. And now Iran's little girls (plus parents) are afoot in a revolt against the state, declaring their right to own Barbie dolls and demanding more. As a result the Iranian government approved the release of the dolls Sara and her twin Dara, their answer to Barbie and Ken. These replacement dolls wear the traditional Muslim garb, their faces are covered and et cetera.

One doll seller said she believed Barbie dolls would lead Iranian children astray causing them to reject Iranian culture and values. She even went on to say, “I think every Barbie doll is more harmful than an American missile.”

All this silliness as American, British and French ships pass into the Strait of Hormuz as sanctions are imposed on the rogue state. One might think the Iranian government has a little more to worry about than "wanton" Barbie dolls at the moment.

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