Monday, January 30, 2012

Newt Gingrich campaign doomed

The writing is on the wall: Herman Cain comes out in support of him, Sarah Palin does the same. Where could Mr Gingrich find two more dubious public supporters than these? A tough question, indeed. Mitt Romney now has double-digit leads over Mr Gingrich in several polls.

Last week, Mr Gingrich made several gaffes in both the debates and in speeches. He came out to talk about setting up a moon base for Americans to live on. And it appears Mr Romney is having an easy time lampooning him with negative attack ads on national television and especially in Florida right now.

So what is Mr Gingrich really doing right now? Using this publicity to sell books? He knows he doesn't have a serious chance in Hell at winning the presidency. Naturally, he is aware of this since he has brought on an adulterer, a category he himself falls into, and a small-town simpleton (who more than likely sunk John McCain in 2008) to support him.

Mr Gingrich was paid $1.6 million by Freddie Mac and this is public knowledge. The presidency is unwinnable for Mr Gingrich. With his campaign for the GOP ticket, he's just having a laugh at the expense of his supporters (an ever dwindling lot) and his party as well. So one must ask, in all seriousness, is he secretly supporting Mr Obama with this personally- and party-damaging charade? This ruse?

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