According to, take the wealth of the last eight presidents, add it together, double it and then you're in the arena of the wealth of Rich Romney, as we'll call him here. Ole Mitt would be in the top five richest presidents of all time. Historically, George Washington is considered the richest president what with 60,000 acres and 300 slaves. After that, it's a toss up between Thomas Jefferson's plantations, Herbert Hoover's mining millions and JFK's family wealth.
As for the Bushes and Roosevelts, they were no where near Mr Romney's wealth. Rich Romney. Mr Romney has disclosed a sort of outline of his wealth, leaving him in the range of $190-250 million. That puts him at 50 times Mr Obama's wealth. Insiders say Mr Romney made $50,000 a day last year on investments alone, no work required, Rich Romney. In times like these, this simple fact should put him at odds with the 99%. But, fortunately for Mr. Romney, the news media is not controlled by the 99% but the 1% of the wealthy which he himself is a part of, Rich Romney. Mr Romney is far above mere 1% status, he is in the 0.006% of US taxpayers. And next to the average American, Mr Romney is 1,800 times richer, Rich Romney.
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