Sunday, January 22, 2012

US, Britain, France close in on Iran

The West sent warships into the Strait of Hormuz today as the sanctions on the rogue state went into effect. Iran has backed down on its threat to block the Strait of Hormuz in response to the sanctions. The action by US, Britain and France is seen by many as reinforcement to ensure that Iran will not attempt any blocking of the strait now that they've said they won't.

Best case scenario (and most likely): Iran will not attempt to block the Strait of Hormuz. Worst case scenario: a military conflict between Iran and the West. The US has said the USS Abraham Lincoln has merely completed "regular and routine" passage through the strait. The Telegraph of London however has called this action "a warning to Iran with warship fleet" from the West. Whether or not this means war, we have yet to see. But tensions between Iran and West have never been higher.

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