Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Media manipulates Romney Iowa "win"

So the media created the "Santorum surge." Designed by those who control the media and support Mitt Romney to steer anti-Romney votes away from Mr Paul (who would have easily won without this "surge") in the last week in Iowa. The voters in Iowa got hours and hours of strictly positive media buzz on Mr Santorum leading up to the vote. If you look at the Iowa results on a county map weeks before the caucus you would see that Ron Paul was clearly poised for victory. But the central bank supported banks and corporations who control the media couldn't have that so what did they do? Create an absolutely fake media blitz in the final days before the vote.

If Mr Paul was left alone to face off with Mr Romney he would have won by a landslide. The blitz was staged like this: first there was the news of a "Santorum surge" when he went from 7% to 9%. Hardly a surge, but then as this news was jammed, crammed and wedged in edgewise by the media, the message took effect. The media reported it over and over and before long Mr Santorum was polling at 16% and then 20%. And now that Iowa is over, this so-called surge has petered out. Is it any wonder how easily the American people are manipulated by the media?

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